Richard Quest's Blog (30)

Turning MD in Something Productive

(Visual of me in my world as a General Edward Stratton, of the FSKDF)

That's it guys, I've done it. I have figured out how to properly channel my MD into something productive. I have created and am currently working on a magazine that is a conglomerate of my and other people's daydreams. Channeling my daydreams into something productive like this…


Added by Richard Quest on March 6, 2017 at 12:31am — 2 Comments

The Good Queen and Her Inspiration

The Queen Victoria Corona of the Reformed States of America

My daydream I have built over the last ten years has many characters that I directly base off of people I know. The most important and pivotal character, Queen Victoria Corona is based 100% off of this girl I liked in middle school. In my real life I might have only talked to her once or twice before she…


Added by Richard Quest on October 16, 2016 at 9:26pm — 2 Comments

Getting more in depth here...

The Western Union, a country that I have talked about before, mapped out for the first time in its entirety.

I have gotten so far into depth with my day dreaming that I have drawn in world maps and propaganda posters. …


Added by Richard Quest on June 18, 2016 at 2:35pm — 7 Comments


Bella Woodman and her dog Buddy on a daily round of the forest.

The early days of my world is where Nature starts to take itself back: wildfires would burn down whole towns, hurricanes would level whole coastlines, city streets would flood like rivers, trees and shrubs started to grow in the cracks of the pavement, and feral packs of dogs and cats roamed the…


Added by Richard Quest on May 10, 2016 at 11:09pm — 2 Comments

Characters in my story: major and minor

Samantha Agnew of the FSK in tears after what was supposed to be a fun night out with the girls.

Characters in my daydream vary from being really flat to being almost human in their nature. Over the several thousand year long timeline of my day dream, I have accumulated many hundreds of characters, each one having an important role in the formation of the…


Added by Richard Quest on May 9, 2016 at 7:54pm — 5 Comments

Role Models in my Day Dreams


Added by Richard Quest on December 27, 2015 at 11:02pm — 11 Comments

Flags of the Western Union

A favorite pastime for my day dreams is to go into the really obscure details to make my world seem really real. Since returning home for winter break, I've been designed flags of the Western Union, a country from my day dreams that you can read more about in my other blog posts. 

I decided to make flags for each of the Western Union's 26 provinces to give them an identity on the battlefield when I draw battle flags. The Western Union is like the United States insofar that it…


Added by Richard Quest on December 23, 2015 at 5:11pm — 10 Comments

Since College: Deeper into the Western Union

Since I left for college, my day dreaming has been confined to one single moleskine notebook. In it, almost exclusively stories and pictures of the Western Union. If you could divide my day dreams up into neat sections, the Western Union is the most recent. Here are some of the pictures for you. Above is the the Steward of Centralia, General Caesar North. The Western Union…


Added by Richard Quest on November 2, 2015 at 11:23am — 3 Comments


I am very fond of using maps to visualize my daydream world down to the very street names. It helps me keep track of where and when my story takes place, and what I could use in later parts of a story. 

(Map of the Kennedian homeland)

Sorry if you cannot read the small black font in the green of the forest, those just point our certain landmarks such as family…


Added by Richard Quest on October 11, 2015 at 1:47pm — 3 Comments

A Look Into Everything (or a good portion of it)

I want to preface this blog post with the fact that these pictures seen here are in no way my whole collection of DD art: there are…


Added by Richard Quest on August 9, 2015 at 9:38pm — 1 Comment

Increasingly Doing Better: Thank You, Guys

The reason that I haven't posted on here in a long time is because, little by little, I am getting over my DD! I will be moving into college next week so I'll be plenty busy to stop even more. I have been extremely involved this summer, that helped curtail my DD: I taught summer school in Englewood, volunteered for Bernie Sanders, went on a road trip, and spent time with friends.

With that being said, I haven't stopped completely. I still draw and paint about it, but I have…


Added by Richard Quest on August 7, 2015 at 8:13pm — 3 Comments

Disconnected Dreamer

I think that my daydreaming is directly connected to the amount of time I spend with people around me. Since my break up with my girlfriend a week ago my day dreaming has sky rocketed. It has become much more clear and much more pervasive to my life. I can now vividly walk through my world as if it were real. This scares me. Can anyone help?

Added by Richard Quest on June 12, 2015 at 7:55am — 4 Comments

Details, details, details...

(Seal of a minor university in the FSK)

I believe that in order to be considered a true daydreamer, one has to be stuck in the minutia of the details of their dreams. My dreamworld is so vivid to me that I can clearly picture just walking down a street in one of my cities and know exactly what to expect. …


Added by Richard Quest on May 6, 2015 at 4:50pm — 10 Comments

Strong Characters in my Daydreams

The strongest of my main characters in my day dreams are usually women. I don't know why but it may stem from the fact that most of them came from dreams of my old real life crushes. In each and every one of them I wanted to see a strong and down to earth personality, so I copied it to my day dream world. The looks and some personality traits stuck while names and back stories were changed drastically. In the end, the final product was almost always a distorted image of an ideal crush for me. A… Continue

Added by Richard Quest on April 20, 2015 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Folklore in My Day Dreams

My day dream is full of folklore and urban legends. The place that has the most vivid tales of folklore is the FreeState of Kennedy and its surrounding forest. This is a story written in the perspective of a Kennedian man during the height of the FSK's power. It was taken as a truthful testimony in the court of law, and became a bestseller worldwide: 

The Testimony of the Poltergeist

            They cannot say on what accord that this…


Added by Richard Quest on April 1, 2015 at 6:57pm — 1 Comment

A closer look: the city of Asteriskia

(skyline of Asteriskia, after the American discovery)

This is an outline of one of my cities in my daydream, Asteriskia. During the great Plague, a 14 year old boy started seeing vivid hallucinations. He would mumble nonsensical words in a stupor. This could happen at any time in the day: while he was in the bathroom, during a walk outside, etc. He kept saying the…


Added by Richard Quest on March 29, 2015 at 5:36pm — 2 Comments

Beginnings of My Daydream World

(Scene of the Great Green Plague released in 2015 by a far right terrorist group)

As promised, I went through all of my old drawings when I cleaned my room and definitely found sound old stories I left out when first posting on here. This…


Added by Richard Quest on March 29, 2015 at 3:58pm — 3 Comments

Cleaning Through My Old Stuff Through Spring Break

Hey guys!

It's spring cleaning time and I'm going through everything in my room one last time before I leave for college. Sifting through the huge piles of papers and stacks of sketch books is going to be fun; I always find gems from my DD that I have forgotten about. So I think all next week I'll be posting old pictures and stories all the way back from when I first started to day dream (around first grade). I might even super compile everything and log them into one continuous…


Added by Richard Quest on March 27, 2015 at 9:56pm — 1 Comment

Looking Closer At My Characters: The Corona Family

(Queen Victoria Corona, 1st leader of the reformed United States)

When I started daydreaming over ten years ago, many of my current characters were in their creative infancy. The idea of an American royal family came to me back in the 6th grade, when I did fall completely in love with this girl; who turned into the good Queen that my entire daydream is built…


Added by Richard Quest on March 20, 2015 at 9:08pm — No Comments

The End of Pretty Much Everything

(The all out assault on the Uzahn capitol of Kingsland at the conclusion of the Western Wars, and civilized world)

This is what I believe to be the final parts of my very very long daydream.

The Western Wars is the conflict between the largest of my nations. One one side is the Freestate of Kennedy, Asteriskia, the Western Union, and Queensland…


Added by Richard Quest on February 27, 2015 at 2:08pm — 3 Comments

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