Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I am now 24. In some how I felt that I was different. But it never was a big problem in my day today life because I thought I have fulfilled my needs. And I thought it was some personality issue. Because of the social issues which I am facing now in my day to day life, (in past few (7) years) I began to think.
Recently I am incapable of clear thinking, interpret of thoughts to words, social gatherings with no previous experiences - specially females, always I can't hold to a one…
ContinueAdded by jude gayan on October 14, 2012 at 2:00am — 1 Comment
Synopsis up to now: I have escaped the lullaby of my deepest daydreams. I kept struggling to find my way, and currently I'm quite vigilant in real life. However, I'm still chained to the dreamworld and the power it has over me. To fully escape I need to recover certain pieces of myself, and expose them to the real world. Pieces I burried in the dreamworld, in order to keep them safe, when I were still young and fragile. Every piece coming into light is one chain less. Let's see how this…
ContinueAdded by Gina Black on October 13, 2012 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments
show discription:
Have you been able to focus your daydreams into some creative endeavor? A poem? A Book? A Painting? A Song? Can expressing our DDs creatively help us cope with this disorder? call in number 347-215-9415
Nervous about the show, had to take a…
ContinueAdded by greyartist on October 13, 2012 at 11:44am — No Comments
I was wondering if I should try ritalin since I've heard people report that when they take it, they can concentrate on homework for hours on end. And these people don't even have ADHD or concentration problems. However, we have concentration problems, so I was thinking of trying to get a prescription. The feeling of always being able to concentrate is a great feeling lol. Anyone here ever try ritalin? If so, how was it?
Added by Darren on October 12, 2012 at 1:15am — 5 Comments
Hello everyone! Anyways, as you know I've been on a higher dosage for a bit now and have been doing better in most ways.
Well for some reason it has been kind if happening slowly but I'm losing my interest in everything..even daydreaming. It's rather confusing to me because I've been this way before but daydreaming wasn't something that counted. I do daydream some but it is only because of habit. I could care less about daydreaming even. It's like the dds I love and adore so much…
ContinueAdded by Jenna on October 11, 2012 at 4:33pm — 5 Comments
Wow, this is really tough to write about but I have to get it off my chest. The last time I was on here I wrote about how I was searching online for my "Dream Guy". I figured I'd never find anyone even remotely close to him. I kept up my search thinking I was doing it just for fun. I feel so guilty but I joined a dating website for my search and guess what? I found a guy that looks exactly like my DD guy, lives in the same state, has the same first name and even wears the same hat in one of…
ContinueAdded by Kacey on October 11, 2012 at 2:25pm — 5 Comments
I always knew that i daydreamed to much, but today I googled it for the first time. What a surprise to see that so many people have the same problem. And even the symptoms are the same. I want to start my blog with an introduction. I want to tell you my story in several parts
part 1 - who am I
part 2- daydreaming as a child
part 3 - what I daydream about now
part 4 - connection with other addictions
So here it goes…
ContinueAdded by Alexander Deprez on October 11, 2012 at 1:16pm — 11 Comments
Added by Paul on October 11, 2012 at 12:35pm — 3 Comments
i havent been on in a while, so im just going to blog about a thought i had in the car today. I was thinking about characters who i based their appearance off of. they look like the celebrity, but they have their own apperance in a know?
like, theres twins at my school. theyre identical twins but they say "we dont think we look alike at all"
thats kind of what my characters are like. they look like the celebrity but i personally think they look different. its…
Added by ashlee on October 9, 2012 at 8:52pm — No Comments
Hi I'm Angela,
I found this site over a month ago. I was researching a story and couldn't focus, so I googled daydreaming. I read a lot of the postings and immediately recognized myself in a lot of the posts. I was relunctant to post mainly because I'm a cautious person. I have had vivid daydreams since I was around 4 years old. I'll be sixty-two in a couple of weeks. I must admit, the term " maladaptive daydreaming" threw me a little bit. I've always considered my daydreaming as…
ContinueAdded by angela barrett on October 9, 2012 at 11:43am — 5 Comments
My progress has been great so far. I've climbed out of the dreamcave's depths, using little tricks and willpower. I am way less absent-minded, and can observe reality almost as well as "normal people". I am so close to the exit...
And yet can't get out.
I just don't know how to live outside MD. It has been defining me for life. I have ways to deal with reality, but my system is lacking: and the reason is simple. I've been always living in Dreamland, and…
ContinueAdded by Gina Black on October 9, 2012 at 11:00am — 6 Comments
Got an email from a coworker, "I made brownies, come get one". So I politely go to her desk, put on my fake smile, offer my fake nice person pleasant chatter, offer my thank yous and compliments. Walk back to my desk screaming inside. I wish I could be that nice person, that happy person that everyone likes to be around. But I'm not. I don't even want to be here. To be around anyone. I would much prefer to be…
ContinueAdded by greyartist on October 9, 2012 at 5:18am — 7 Comments
Having working for years with my DD and other psychological issues I come to the following conclusion about my DD: They are the place I hide the part of my personality I cannot use in real life.
I once learn that the strategy think what you want, say and do what other want from you was the best way to live in peace. It certainly was a clever choice once, when I was a child. But I just never learned to be myself, to say what I mean to know what I wanted.
I needed a life crisis…
ContinueAdded by Pascale on October 8, 2012 at 9:37am — 2 Comments
Last week I've experimented with 1-2 tricks from the forums (both happen to be John K's).
ContinueWhat helps me daydream less is to immediately look at some object that is in the room and imagine I have fired an arrow at it from my daydream in my head out my eyes into the object I am looking at in reality. It causes my attention to…
Added by Gina Black on October 7, 2012 at 9:30am — 4 Comments
Alright, this might be a bit long so bear with me. I'm not usually a big fan of sharing private stuff online but I guess I'll make an exception for once and open up to you guys. I, like many of you here, suffer from MD, I until very recently thought this condition was something unique to me and was pleasantly surprised to discover that there is actually a name for it and a group of people who are the same as me in this regard.
I'm turning 20 soon and I'm European by birth and…
ContinueAdded by Arc on October 7, 2012 at 8:59am — 4 Comments
Added by Jenna on October 7, 2012 at 6:28am — 2 Comments
Hello everyone,
Have you all heard of that show called My Strange Addiction? It's this weird documentary, on channel TLC, about real people who have strange addictions, or just strange behavior that they repeat.
( )
And I know another season of this is coming up, and I thought 'Well, maybe...Just maybe I could sign up for it and describe my…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer on October 6, 2012 at 9:03pm — 2 Comments
Added by greyartist on October 6, 2012 at 11:53am — No Comments
As you've all noticed, I haven't come on this site in a long time. Well during the summer, I told my bestfriend about my MD and about this site. She was supportive towards my MD and she didn't think I was crazy. But she wasn't too fond of me coming on this site. She says that I should focus on reality and interacting with real people more. She thinks that I come on this site for comfort knowing that there are people like me. She argues that if she looks up her insecurities as well, she…
ContinueAdded by LostSoul99 on October 6, 2012 at 10:57am — 4 Comments
It seem the most stupid idea I had for a while. But just now I feel trying anything for a change. I just feel so tired all the time.
So my eyes are dry. Its quite common problem for people working on computer. But the eye drops I used are not working anymore. I'm trying gel. But I just begynn to ask myself what is the psychological meaning of dry eyes. I am going to a therapist who is very focus on body, learn me to breath or to sit relax.
So what is the psycological meaning of…
ContinueAdded by Pascale on October 5, 2012 at 1:39am — 2 Comments
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