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My favourite quote!!!

"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."

- C.S.Lewis

Added by Unlucky_13 on January 19, 2013 at 12:03am — 4 Comments

Ways to fill the empty...

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I have recently made myself (mostly) get over the guy I had a crush on since Fall 2011. Ever since, I have definitely daydreamed less (now it's mostly just when I listen to music or am falling asleep).

Without daydreaming so much and having these intense feelings of attachment, I find myself feeling somewhat empty and constantly worrying about my real-life problems. I guess this is what I've been hiding from with my daydreams/obsessions. 



Added by Dusty on January 18, 2013 at 4:34pm — 2 Comments

The Second Step

I lurk quite a bit on this forum (lurking is what I'm good at, on and off line), and came to the conclusion that before I could really start getting a hold on my prodigal mind I needed to tell someone.

So I told my husband. And cried through the whole thing. I said what I had to say, he asked some questions- I even directed him to this place to show I'm not the only one, as if it would somehow cusion the fact that I'm not like other people. While he read, I sat there, dreading…


Added by Chandra D Lewis on January 16, 2013 at 7:26pm — 4 Comments

am I dreaming?

Scared to even post this. I'm very confused by what is happening. Tuesday around 9:30 or 10 am the current DD ended. I try to stave off the new one starting as long as I can. It is usually a very stressful time, like quickly changing channels in my mind. Before one will stick and start a story. Well as I tried to keep distracting myself at work, my mind got a little clearer. I was almost holding my breath all day waiting for it to kick in again.

Well here it is Wednesday night and my…


Added by greyartist on January 16, 2013 at 5:39pm — 2 Comments

Daydreaming, a gift.

I just registered to this website after stumbling upon this article - I had no idea this condition had a name and although I really like the idea of people openly talking about it, I'm sad that the 'maladaptive daydreaming' comes with such a negative connotation. I admit that there are definitely downsides to this habit and I can understand that some of us have a harder…


Added by Miles on January 16, 2013 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

Just a peom about what I feel today

I am in a prison a cold dark prison.

I cannot see or hear what happen outside,

I wish I could, I wish I were out.

I wish somebody will open that door, somebody will come for me.

I wait in the dark and I wish.

But I know nobody comes, nobody will

Nobody can open that door because I have the key.

I make me happy when I think about it, it make me feel free.

So I’m not so afraid of the dark,

When I sit in that prison and wait.

Added by Pascale on January 16, 2013 at 4:45am — 2 Comments

It's Been a While.

So guys, I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. To tell you guys the truth I'm embarrassed I had a relapse so I was avoiding Wildminds, sorry. >.< The problem isn't the fact I'm interested or connected to my characters anymore. The problem is the habit. I've gotten so use to daydreaming I can't seem to just keep my mind like normal people. I feel like I have to always keep it busy, stimulated and active.

As for my novel, I'm still writing the rough draft, but at least I have…


Added by Jenna on January 16, 2013 at 3:45am — 2 Comments

Bringing MD into my real life

Recently I have been in a very bad place. I have become obsessed with trying to stop daydreaming, all i desire is to daydream yet at the same time i desperately wish to stop. I am at war with myself. 

At this moment in time I am in my student house, where I live with my 'friends'. Locked in my bedroom, in the dark, crying. I have been crying all day. I havent eaten a thing all day and I am starving, I feel sick, I have a terrible headache possibly caused by the  small amount…


Added by Marla Singer on January 15, 2013 at 1:33pm — 1 Comment

Doctors and Memory loss

So I have not been to the doctors in ten years, not since my teens. I never went because I never got sick. Plus, I didn't have insurance once I left my family's plan. Anyway, I got a physical today and I mentioned how my memory recall has progressively become worst over the years. The Doc asked me a bunch of questions.She was a bit puzzled.  Other than my MD' ing I'm healthy mentally(not depressed or suicidal or anxious) and physically fit.

Now, I think I've said in one of the forums…


Added by Wakethenight on January 14, 2013 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Month Long Meditation Retreat

Well i just finished the retreat and i have to say i do feel better but no cured.  My MD instincts aren't as disruptive as they were before.  EG my common triggers are when i get angered from things like News Talk Radio and technical difficulties w/ technology and these triggers have less sway over me now.  Same with…


Added by Rick on January 14, 2013 at 9:24am — 2 Comments

My "Harry Potter" Obsession...

Ok, so i've been having "Harry Potter" related daydreams for years now. I of course have other types of daydreams, but HP has been the one consistent daydream that i just can't seem to shake. I went without watching the movies, reading the books AND looking up HP stuff on the computer for around 6 to 7 months straight.

When i was without it, i felt good and bad at the same time, you know? Like i was happy that i was pushing through, but on the other hand i was still daydreaming…


Added by KwanKwan on January 13, 2013 at 3:26pm — 9 Comments

Did you think you were crazy?

I used to not think much of this. Especially when I was younger. I never wondered if others did it, i didn't really

care. I did it and I liked it. It wasn't a big deal until I found out talking to yourself meant you have to be crazy. Then I started thinking,"Wait... Do I talk to myself?" And realized that, yes, I kind of do. Then I started noticing things I did that no one else did. I honestly thought I was crazy. I really tried to ignore that thought though.

Then I found this.… Continue

Added by Grace on January 13, 2013 at 10:18am — 6 Comments

My daydreaming story

I have almost twenty and i  daydreaming all my life . Every day i speaking to myself , in my childhood i made the whole nation of imaginary people and events. My mind is so complicated i think i cant stop daydreaming coz i cant live without that. I dont have so many friends and i cant socialize with other people coz if i say something strange they think i am retarded. In higschool i talked to only few people from my class. I discover concept daydreaming a few days ago and i find this page ,…


Added by Lazar Savic on January 12, 2013 at 4:05am — 2 Comments

I thought this was normal

I've always had an overactive imagination - to this extent - but didn't realise until recently that this was not the 'norm'.

All throughout my childhood my imagination was encouraged by everyone - my mother, the media, etc - which was great and I loved (and still do) my imagination; I can escape away into it. I never talked about my fake worlds though, not because I was ashamed of it, just felt a bit awkward and like there was no point if everyone did it.

A few years ago I…


Added by Lex on January 11, 2013 at 11:04pm — 6 Comments

Anybody Try Ritalin Before?

So, I told my doctor about my MD and he wants to put me on Ritalin 20mg. I'm still a little spectacle to try a so called "amphetamine" Sounds scary!!! =O Supposibly its suppose to help with my "concentration and attention" since he believes the daydreaming is preventing me from functioning properly in the sense that I tend to zone out a lot, procrastinate, and not focus. …


Added by Annie on January 11, 2013 at 2:09pm — 2 Comments

Has anyone thought of writing?

Maybe I'm just trying to find a way to justify my MD but I keep thinking I should try to write out these fantasies as stories. But then I try and it's just so awkward in words and really embarrassing and personal and I don't think I would ever let anyone read it. Besides, like others here, I often take plots I see or read and change them for my own purposes so I guess it would be a copyright issue. Ha.

Added by Betty on January 9, 2013 at 5:58am — 7 Comments

MDer's youtube video, I can relate

I found this video and can relate to what this girl is saying. Especially the part about it killing her from the inside and taking over her reality. I think she was very brave for putting this out there.

Added by greyartist on January 7, 2013 at 4:36pm — 2 Comments

A Poem I Wrote Based off of the Plot of my Daydreams


My name is Jennifer, and I'm 15 years old. I've been part of this site since the November of 2012. I have been struggling with MD since about 6/7 years old, and I'm finally going to share my story by posting this poem I wrote about my MD plot. It is basically the entire plot of my daydreams in a nutshell. I plan to make this into a song really soon,…


Added by Jennifer on January 7, 2013 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

I'm new here! And maybe a book that will help.

I can't believe this forum actually exists. I honestly thought I was extremely crazy and was the only person who daydreamed excessively. It really started for me in high school and I've gone through periods of time when I don't do it- either because life got exciting/busy or I've intentionally tried to stop. But I always end up going back to it. I realize now there are triggers for me- crushes on celebrities, reading fiction, watching tv- I guess anything considered "entertainment" gets me into… Continue

Added by Betty on January 6, 2013 at 3:43pm — 2 Comments

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