Fallen Messenger's Blog (14)

MD just fading away

I am 20 now and I used to be utterly immersed in daydreaming since as young as I can remember. My dreamworld was constantly growing increasingly complex. This continued until I turned 18 and moved out. At the time, I had a lot of trauma in relation to my family, but as soon as I moved out, the daydreams just… faded away. No compulsions. It’s almost like I grew out of it. It’s odd, it’s been two years and I still haven’t had a compulsion. It’s incredibly freeing, but I miss it. Anyways I’m not… Continue

Added by Fallen Messenger on October 16, 2022 at 6:36am — 3 Comments



There's a conversation in her eyes,

Continents and oceans,

Stars and moons,…


Added by Fallen Messenger on September 23, 2017 at 2:06pm — No Comments

My sister has Borderline Personality Disorder

I feel like I've been talking a lot lately and that's something I don't usually do, but I found something out today.

A few months ago my sister (17 years old) mentioned that she thinks she might have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and I kind of dismissed it. Earlier today I brought it up again because she had one of her mood swings. I researched the disorder a bit and found out that she needs counseling right away or else her chances of a full recovery will drop from…


Added by Fallen Messenger on July 13, 2017 at 4:46pm — 1 Comment

Not living up to my idealized self

This isn't much of a blog post in my opinion, but I just want to vent.

I do extemporaneous public speaking competitions for FFA at my school. That kinf of public speaking is where you have a few minutes to prepare a speech out of a little but of info. The reason I  put myself, a complete introvert, into this position, was because my idealized self is a public speaker. And a very famous public speak at that. Because in my head I am able to perfect those speeches, it causes me…


Added by Fallen Messenger on July 12, 2017 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

Curse of the Imagination & Gateway (poetry)


WRITTEN ON  7/5/17 AT 4:12 PM

I was on the verge of greatness,

but then the greatest catastrophe,

even the consequence of entropy.

My passion became a cold fire,

my resolve…


Added by Fallen Messenger on July 11, 2017 at 8:27am — 1 Comment

Daydreamers (more poetry)

I believe that in my case, the only upside to maladaptive daydreaming is the heightened creativity. I use this creativity to write poetry. I spend the last few days working on a particular poem about maladaptive daydreaming. I figure that it does no good rotting away in my drawer so I might as well share it with all of you.


(completed 6/27/17 at 1:25 PM)

I am near,

But I am far,

I am lost,

I am broken,

I am…


Added by Fallen Messenger on June 29, 2017 at 11:44am — 1 Comment

An interesting MD website

I was surfing online and I found this awesome website about MD. It has some interesting perspectives. I recommend you check it out here! Anyways, dream on my friends!

Added by Fallen Messenger on May 25, 2017 at 6:30am — No Comments


I'm almost finished writing a poetry book and I felt like I should share just a few poems that relate to MD.


10/14/16 2:29 pm


I'm slowly drifting to the end of the earth.

I'm slowing become someone else.

Losing hope,

Losing my mind.




Added by Fallen Messenger on May 24, 2017 at 10:31am — 1 Comment


     I have been a maladaptive daydreamer my whole life...or ever since I could remember. But honestly, I don't remember much. I have close to zero recollection of my childhood. I don't remember last week hardly at all. I have wonderful short term memory, kinda. I remember important things like eating, sleeping, and going to school. But I don't have any memory of little things. I will set my phone down and walk away, I come back in a frantic search to find my phone because I don't remember…


Added by Fallen Messenger on May 21, 2017 at 7:17am — 4 Comments

impacts of MD, and how to overcome it.


Lately, on this website I've noticed less and less posts about "curing" MD or just finding hope through and for MD. This post I feel is my own personal thoughts and a response to the post my maro called "Why we are proud of daydreaming?..." I agree with maro on many points, but I feel he is getting the wrong idea. We…


Added by Fallen Messenger on April 19, 2017 at 7:54pm — 5 Comments

Awareness for MD!!!

Hey I've been on this website for like six months now, but I'm so happy to see all of the posts from new people and to see the awareness in MD growing! I recently did a report and slideshow in my computer class in MD for awes mess, one of my pointed says Figured out in the process, but I wouldn't take it back for the world! I love having MD!

Added by Fallen Messenger on March 6, 2016 at 5:53pm — 1 Comment

We must step up.

So it is obvious that there is little research on MD, we need to step up, it will be decades before we are seen in a light of someone who suffers with something severe. We all need to step up! We cannot just rely on researchers like Eli Somer we must do our own research. I know many of us already are, I don't mean that we need to put on a lab coat, I mean to use our logic and common sense to figure out different aspects of our mental disorder, we can do this! We are smart! We can receive… Continue

Added by Fallen Messenger on January 24, 2016 at 9:02am — 6 Comments

The princess knight's ancestors.

I am going to warn you, this WILL be a lengthy post! I am going to share with you about my current daydreams!

It all started about four years ago. I decided to read a book that my friends have been pressuring me to read, the book is the Maximum Ride series, great books! But That isn't all... after reading all eight books in 2-3 months, my mind wanted more, a better ending... my mind wanted me in the book. I started my daydreaming when I…


Added by Fallen Messenger on January 1, 2016 at 8:07am — 4 Comments

Origins and effects

People don't know how many lies I've old to cover up that I have mdd( especially with my parents) I have been daydreaming ever since I could remember, my first maladaptive daydreams were of mermaids, then of angles and super heroes. I have created a complex family tree that I have been dwelling upon for about 4 years now, moving from character to character. I tried a media fast, but that only made things worse, it gave me more free time to imagine Cancri E, the plant Amity is from,and Amity…


Added by Fallen Messenger on December 31, 2015 at 7:00pm — 10 Comments

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