March 2018 Blog Posts (14)

MDD and your emotions

I dont think anything is more heartbreaking than fantasizing about something you will never have, something you will never feel or something that is absolutely out of your reach. I get drepressed when I return to reality and look around and see that this is my real life . Everything that goes on in my head-stays in my head. Its not just the day to day MDD but those of us who have it usually has it hand in hand with another issue and its unbearable. Is there anyone who feels this way?… Continue

Added by Empress Sam on March 30, 2018 at 6:56am — 2 Comments

MD and attention deficit hyperactive disorder

Hi everyone:

As a child my MD so greatly affected my concentration, short-term memory and learning ability. This was so bad that they had to take out of school!

This was mid 1960's (yes, I'm an old-timer lol) so ADHD was not even heard of (at least in my community!).

The teachers and my parents just thought I had very poor intelligence.

I stopped MD for some reason as I got older, and my problems greatly improved!

However about 5 or 6 years ago I…


Added by Dr AC on March 30, 2018 at 3:25am — No Comments

Body Rocking.

Since the day i could sit up in my crib i've been body rocking. So since about 6 months old. As i grew up I was real awkward had very few friends and i blamed it on my body rocking. I sway back and fourth normally while sitting but can happen while standing. To make this clear, its not just when i'm day dreaming, it is constant. As i got older and my family moved away i made friends easier. Day dreams were always constant for me, id dream about big expensive meals (came from a poor family)…


Added by EllyssaJ on March 21, 2018 at 6:42pm — 1 Comment

Why are you smiling?

I was walking across a parking lot with my baby sister today. I can't quite remember what I was daydreaming about, but before I knew it, she looked over at me, held her eyebrows together, and asked, "why are you smiling?" followed by a smile for herself. She wanted in on the joke. I suddenly felt the cold air on my body, along with the snow-water and reality leaking into my shoes, before looking away and saying "I saw somebody that I knew." 

It hurt to say that. Because I know that…


Added by Jae on March 20, 2018 at 4:53pm — 1 Comment

Astrological considerations

Does anyone else know their astrological chart?  I suspect that my MDD has to do with a Moon conjunct Neptune in Libra in 12th house, also conjunct Chiron.  Does anyone else have a similar configuration?

Added by roxanne on March 20, 2018 at 6:04am — 4 Comments


What's up with all the spam this page is getting? Is this why people seem to not be using it anymore and how do I flag it? 

Added by F J on March 14, 2018 at 5:48pm — 2 Comments


What's up with all the spam this page is getting? Is this why people seem to not be using it anymore and how do I flag it? 

Added by F J on March 14, 2018 at 5:48pm — No Comments

Details and Experiences I had

Hello everyone! So I've decided to share some of my experiences and see if any of you have experienced these as well! I want to post this thinking this might be good information for the future. I know that some of these experiences, we are already experiencing but...

-Most common urge to daydream: Friday night, since I have time away from school and work

I've noticed that free time takes my mind away into…


Added by EI on March 11, 2018 at 7:28pm — 2 Comments

roommate caught me pacing again

this has only happened one other time in the 3 years i've lived with roommates, which was in november. this was 5 minutes ago - i had absolutely no idea that my roommate was in the room and i began to pace. she started laughing so hard she was crying and said "why did you just do that??"

i was so shocked because i had no idea that she was even in the room. and when i'm pacing, i can't tell what it looks like. i describe it as pacing and to me i'm just pacing, but my mom has told me…


Added by debbie downer on March 9, 2018 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Accountability Partners

I make lists of what I want to get done everyday and if I don’t get it done, I feel horrible. I think it would help to have other people to communicate the small day to day goals with so I can support others in their goals and stop losing so much time everyday. Does anyone else need this kind of support in their lives? 

Added by Melissa on March 9, 2018 at 1:37pm — No Comments

Shameful Guilt

As Kenny Rogers sang "Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in". Read the blogs, all very good and I relate a lot. I've been dealing with shame and guilt recently. It seems like a lifelong issue. I was never good enough or tried hard enough...blah blah blah. I think it is crucial that I accept my condition (MDD), but not surrender to it, and forgive myself. For me, it is a defense mechanism to make myself feel worthy of being accepted and Loved. That is the key element in…


Added by Daniel D Woodard on March 5, 2018 at 3:31pm — 3 Comments

My inner child whoose Maladaptive Dayreaming can be appreciated

I’m in a support group, ASCA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) and I am working on a step (think AA) and it’s “I will sense my inner child whose efforts to survive now can be appreciated.” This is a tough one. I’ve been able to sense my inner child but I’m still working on the appreciation part, especially with Maladaptive Daydreaming. I’m usually focused on how it’s taken away opportunities in my life or kept me stuck. But, I started daydreaming for a reason and it served a purpose – and…


Added by Byler on March 4, 2018 at 7:24pm — No Comments


I made it a couple weeks without pacing. 

I relapsed recently- but in a different way than before. 

Usually, there was one place (my bedroom) where I could pace and daydream for hours. 

I've been able to avoid pacing there since February 14th, but in turn, I've begun pacing in other places, like a locked bathroom or the halls of my house when everyone is gone. It feels like a relapse, although the severity of the pacing is lowered because my time is limited and can be…


Added by Jae on March 3, 2018 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment


I have started MDD again. Feeling guilty about it. Recognizing it is just part of recovery. I think tomorrow if I have the urge to daydream I I’ll read a book

Added by Windy City Day Dreamer on March 1, 2018 at 9:52pm — 1 Comment

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