Wish Upon A Wish's Blog (29)

Introversion, Insomnia and MD

I'm a strong introvert. As far as I can tell, introverts do have a tendency to have a non-addictive fantasy world. (I only consider it MD when it's addictive.)

I'm also an insomniac, I take a long time to fall asleep (for me personally it's usually 1-2.5 hours)

Due to my insomia, I spent most of my life tired. Although for the past month I admittedly have been really bad in regards to getting enough sleep, I've had many periods of time this year wher I have been getting enough…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on September 14, 2014 at 2:02am — No Comments

just a random post

Okay so just now I was reading a fanfiction and it really got me wanting to dd a similar scenario to what was happening, like a really intense one and after a bit I randomly got up and went just out the door, a few steps down the hall then wondered what I was doing. I came back, sat down and realised this scenario was intense enough I just really, really needed to pace (or just walk somewhere really briskly). Not around my room, it's not big enough. But hey, Mum's in the living room…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on November 17, 2013 at 12:03am — 1 Comment

Productivity and learning - tips?

Okay, so. Short story time. The more important part is bolded, if you can't be bothered reading it all.

I did a course in organics which finished back in July. Next year in February I'm going to be studying Agriculture.

I have spent the past four months doing nothing "productive" (aka, I've been earning no money nor received any formal education.)

Recently (and I don't know how it happened, it just did.) I've improved my sleeping pattern and been getting enough / close…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on November 9, 2013 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Realisation about the ideal me

You know, I have said many times before that even if I could be in my DD world for real, I wouldn't because Ideal Me goes through to much pain and I couldn't handle that.

But I've realised a few things.

One: Usually when I say no, I'm thinking of the main part of my DDs, which is pretty negative (though there are high points and 'meh' points)

Two: There's also my 'future' DD (okay, both are set in the future but the first is only a few years away, the second maybe 15…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on November 6, 2013 at 1:23am — 1 Comment

Emotion and lack thereof

Okay, so I haven't thought this out very much, and it may be a little ramble-y, but I will try to avoid that.

So I just read a comment (by MatthewR) a short while ago, and I thought, how many of you appear cold and distant on the outside, but emotional on the inside? Or do you often feel more emotion in your fantasy world than when things happen in real life? Or are you often emotionally cold and withdrawn, and it shows? Or... well, what's your level of emotion-feeling…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on October 16, 2013 at 10:23pm — 2 Comments

In a parked car. Other stuff, too.

There's this thing I notice I often do- when I've driven somewhere, usually back home, and am in not hurry, I will sit there and DD for a bit. It's not caused any trouble or anything, though I wonder if anyone's noticed that sometimes there's a large time lapse between the car pulling up and the door opening.

A while back, I house-sat for a few days, and I spent a lot of time DDing, and just lazing around, doing jackall, but I did have to drive a few times. One of those times when I…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on August 20, 2013 at 6:59am — No Comments

Just a thing with stuff, and a little bit if DDs. Not really important, but if you want to read....

A little while ago, a video popped up on my dash on Tumblr. I watched it and at first found it amusing- I had never considered the idea of someone belly dancing to techno. But I watched it. And later, I watched it again. And I saw another by the same girl, and then watched all the videos from another girl too.

And I think I've discovered my new favourite thing, and will (hopefully!) be soon learning to belly dance. And the dancing has basically taken over my daydreams (which is kind…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on June 3, 2013 at 1:08am — No Comments

A thing I noticed and a thought

okay, so I don't know how much you guys know about fandom/fanfiction terms, but I'll stick definitions in at the end. And I'll also be using them a lot, sorry.

Anyway, I realised something- My story in my head is like a book series or whatever, but most people have said that. But sometimes I have a thing where, usually when I'm reading/very recently read a book, I'll sort of integrate myself into that book in my DD, not permanently,  but just do some scenes for a while and that's…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on May 28, 2013 at 1:36am — 1 Comment

Focussing rant

Okay, I was about to start working on an assignment that was due yesterday or earlier needs to be handed in tomorrow; I was at the kitchen table and there was no noise except the rain and the clock, and I was able to concentrate, and get into a good frame of mind. I wrote one line, and my sister got out of bed and came to talk to me about useless stuff (The album art for 30 Seconds to Mars' new album and single.) I managed to get her away…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on March 18, 2013 at 5:52pm — 3 Comments

Toughening up + phones

Okay, so I have a Tumblr account, and I basically can't stop going on there (I've only had it for what, two, two and a half months?) and it's annoying because I'm spending most of my time on there. I've done the same thing with other sites, another social networking site, Neopets, Spartzmedia and stuff, where as soon as I'd get home I'd hop on those sites.

Today, I caught up with the stuff on my Tumblr dash then posted a post, telling everyone I'm not allowed on there for over a week,…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on February 27, 2013 at 8:56pm — 4 Comments

Painting, not daydreaming!!

Okaay so a while back I started painting again (I hadn't painted for about a year before that 'cause I painted only for art then didn't do art) and so I'm part way through my fourth picture (though I had to start again 'cause I screwed up badly from the beginning) and I did notice, even in year 11, (the last year I did art) that I didn't really fantasize while painting, only regular thinking, and maybe a bit of talking-in-my-head to a character* and today, I got up late and spent a total of…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on February 22, 2013 at 1:11am — 3 Comments

Aspergers (and introversion, I guess)

Okay, so I just did an internet test here: http://www.aspergerstestsite.com/

Just for the hell of it, to see how close I'd be to having Aspergers Syndrome (a mild form of autism), because there's this theory I heard once:

There's a line, and on one major extreme is schizophrenia, and on the other major extreme is autism. Most people are towards the middle, and slightly into- or…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on January 30, 2013 at 5:48pm — 6 Comments

Hi, I'm back! Updates of my life

I haven't been on here for quite a long time- there's now a bunch of new people, so hi to you all, and welcome.

I'm kind of hoping to update how things have been lately, and I'll try not to ramble and merge onto different subjects as I usually do, so hopefully it'll be neater and more readable. I probably won't be in chronological order or anything, though.

I checked my last blog post today, I mentioned I'd started study. I now have music in the car and I find…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on December 13, 2012 at 12:30am — 4 Comments

Don't want to get caught.

Okay, I started tertiary study a couple of weeks ago, and now drive myself out there. It's about a 35min drive.

After a few days, and finally getting used to driving myself, I've started singing out loud, a lot, and loudly, and sometimes even talk out loud to a character who isn't there (and no, I don't delude myself into thinking they're there. I know they're not). I'm kind of scared that if I drive someone somewhere, and we don't talk, I may end up singing out loud or…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on September 20, 2012 at 8:03pm — 4 Comments

A few random, unrelated things

I'm just gonna say a few random things here in no particular order or anything, so no clue how long or unreadable it will be. 

You know what sucks?


This. It's  R18.

I'll be turning 17 just 27 days before that show. I want to go so damn badly, and was prepared to spend money on flights up to Auckland and some expensive hotel…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on September 3, 2012 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments


After seeing a couple of posts on here that mention that persons organisational skills, I had a thought.

How organised, tidy and/or meticulous are you? Is your room a mess, do you constantly forget to bring things to school or work, or is everything set out really tidily, and are you never late?

Added by Wish Upon A Wish on August 19, 2012 at 11:01pm — 4 Comments

Another contradiction....

A while back, I posted a blog post about how I often contradict myself, and have opposing/conflicting opinions on so many things. I just found another: Self-discipline/control. I have both good and bad self-discilpine, if that makes sense. I can get myself to do things (usually if I don't think too much about it) that I don't want to do or don't like, or stop myself doing something I really do want to do, but sometimes it's the opposite. I have a few days left in the holidays and have done…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on July 12, 2012 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Don't really care if this is read, just an observation I made, + video diary thing

I just read a post by Emilia, "Two different identities" and the comments on it, and then, rather than type a reply, I ended up 'talking to DD' (basically talking to one of my characters) and, rather than type anything up (I may do after this post though) I was just explaining how I'm a bit like this myself, and details of it, and exactly why, including the fact that I talk to my DD characters (it's kinda weird, actually, mentioning DD to a DD character and basically telling them about…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on June 19, 2012 at 1:40am — 2 Comments

I wonder how the next three days will go....

Tomorrow, I have to be at school by about 7am because my outdoor ed class is going tramping in mount Somers for 3 days/2 nights. I wonder how much I will DD, and how much I will converse with my group, and if I'll end up making my DD visible while walking (you know, facial movements and the like) or if I'll manage to keep it hidden because most of the class doesn't know I have this.... In fact, out of my group of 3+me=4, I think only one knows. She was shocked when I told her about…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on June 10, 2012 at 12:41am — 3 Comments

Decisions. Scared. Why, exactly?

Okay, earlier this year I made friends with an exchange student, and she's pretty damn awesome. Her birthday's tomorrow, along with her party, and honestly, I'm kinda scared for it. She's inviting some people in her sports team she just joined that I don't really know, and I don't really actually mind that, I think. I've got her present and I'm a little nervous she won't like it. I was actually looking for a wolf silverfoil, one of these type of things:…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on May 28, 2012 at 9:56pm — 4 Comments

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