Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Okay, so I just did an internet test here:
Just for the hell of it, to see how close I'd be to having Aspergers Syndrome (a mild form of autism), because there's this theory I heard once:
There's a line, and on one major extreme is schizophrenia, and on the other major extreme is autism. Most people are towards the middle, and slightly into- or extroverted. Extroversion is towards the schizophrenia side, and introversion on the autism side
(This seems to make sense to me, knowing the little I know about the two extremes. Also, intro/extro brains do work differently, I think there's some evidence to prove that somewhere or other.)
And I know I'm a very introverted introvert, so I thought, "hmm. Maybe I'm close to having Aspergers."
And so I did the test.
scores of 11-22 are average
scores of 23-31 are people with autistic traits
scores of 32+ have Aspergers Syndrome. Seeing as it was an internet test, and one should get properly diagnosed, they recommend seeing a professional.
I got 33. So there's a good (bad?) chance I have aspergers.
I don't know whether I should tell Mum and get a proper test done, because it'd cost money, (I guess) and it's slightly pointless seeing as there's no sort of treatment for it (I think), and being properly diagnosed isn't going to change anything, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing any one can (including me) can do about it. But it would be kind of nice, I think, to know for sure, even though it doesn't really matter.
Plus I don't want to shove another, 'Wish-has-an-effy-brain' thing on to Mum, because she already knows about my MD.
I'll probably tell her anyway, but... Yeah.
The great thing about Asperger is that it is merely one word, to explain how you experience the world and how. So it can be a tool for people who want to understand you better.
But it's also a label. "Ehm...oh, yeah, she has Asperger". Quick and easy.
I'm a bit Aspergy myself but don't plan on telling it since I scored lower, like 30 or less. I found out about Asperger when reading about Gary Numan recently on Wiki, just coincidence.
If I were you, I would actually go to a professional simply to get some questions and doubts off my mind. However, taking standardized tests to analyze an individual is never a good move in my opinion because each psychological trait measured by a test may have hundreds of different origins. So instead, I'd find a good psychotherapist and take like 5 or 6 sessions. It's probably expensive, but hell. I think it's a fair trade. A good psychotherapist can diagnose and pinpoint potential problems much better than your regular psychiatrist because shrinks usually make a diagnosis based on your symptoms while psychotherapists search the very root of the problem, that is, what caused the symptoms in the fist place.
I was diagnosed with Autism when I was five then specifically Asperger's when I was eight. Asperger's will not be published in the DSM-5 this May. All forms of Autism will be classified together. People will be diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum with specific severities when it comes to communication, behaviors etc. They are doing this to help prevent over diagnosis which happens frequently. A lot of people have been diagnosed with Asperger's because they have some of the characteristics, but with the new DSM-5 they will not be diagnosed with it, but instead just a "normal" person with some autistic characteristics.
I think this will be good for some people, however I am not looking forward to being classified as Autistic with severe sensory problems, exceptionally high IQ, poor social skills, repetitive behaviors, and extreme obsessions. I do not want my downfalls in my diagnosis.
Eretaia: I know I am really introverted, I'm not really that shy (just in social situations where I know no one, really) and I don't have any of the other conditions either, but it could be just the extreme introversion making me score higher. I did tell Mum, she got up like, right after I posted this, but she says it's pointless getting properly tested 'cause it wouldn't change anything, and she's right about that. It would be kind of interesting, though, doing a test with a professional, but nah, we're not going there. So I guess where not taking the results that much into account, 'cause we're not doing anything about it, and I'm not gonna blather about it or anything soo... yeah.
Though with what Bethany said, that makes me think it could be something...
But then again, I'm a little uncertain about my sexual orientation but I thought, screw it, it doesn't matter. Sticking a name to it won't change anything, so I guess this is the same.
I just looked up the questions out of curiosity and the questions aren't indicative at all. The test is an utter nonsense that it's actually ridiculous. Any shy introvert will score over 32. Or a person who has depression or dysthymia or social anxiety. So, I wouldn't bother taking the results into account at all if I were you.
I took that test too. I scored a 33. I was curious to see how i would score since I was diagnosed with asperger's when I was 12.
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