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Middle of my exam

I have my exams in a month. I feel like I could have achieved so much more if it werent for MD. When I was in school at the peak of MD I used to get blackouts and migraines and yet I would not be able to stop daydreaming. I was a class topper in school until MD hit. It all started so innocently until it completely dominated my mind and hence my life. And then my grades started to progressively drop until in 8th grade I got a zero in my math mid term exam. I had never in my life gotten a zero…


Added by MedStudent on July 1, 2023 at 9:27am — No Comments


Hi. Im Suprajaa. Im a General surgeon. I have been having MD all my life. I have my exams in 24 days and i spent 2 hours daydreaming today. Im so happy that this disorder is finally recognised because I spent my childhood looking for answers I could not find.

I just cant express how much this disorder has affected me. I mean I could have achieved so much more if it weren’t for this. I feel like the only thing that helps me stay in reality is meditating and reading books. Also Im so happy… Continue

Added by MedStudent on June 30, 2023 at 12:31pm — 3 Comments


hello. I'm 17 years old, I'm Brazilian and I've had daydreams for as long as I can remember. I remember when I was 5 years old and fantasized about movie actors and it was always something romantic. when I liked an actor he always became my partner in my head. and things were real on a level I can't explain. but in the pandemic things got difficult, I practically lived in dreams, I didn't leave the house without my headphones, I even bought several headphones in the year because if they ran out… Continue

Added by julia on April 24, 2023 at 2:58am — 7 Comments

Good Morning, My name is Alexis.  Let me start from the beginning of my journey through MD. When I was born I had a father who was addicted to several drugs, alcohol, and very abusive due to fathers …

Good Morning, My name is Alexis. 

Let me start from the beginning of my journey through MD. When I was born I had a father who was addicted to several drugs, alcohol, and very abusive due to fathers actions. I was removed from my home at age 2 due to my mom not being able to take care of herself and us because of my father. I was moved to a very kind foster home in which I only lived there for a couple of months. I am still in touch with them. My second home was super abusive and I…


Added by Alexis Sommer on March 30, 2023 at 8:07am — 1 Comment

Study Advertisement: The Role of Imagination and Fantasy for Psychological Health

Hi, our names are Hannah Johnson and Jessica Davis, and we are conducting a research project under the supervision of Dr Michael Hough of the University of Technology Sydney for our degree (Master of Clinical Psychology).

Our research project is titled “The role of imagination and fantasy for psychological health” and seeks to investigate the relationship between greater involvement in fantasy and psychological health, as this will…


Added by Hannah Johnson on March 23, 2023 at 8:17pm — No Comments

I have a question!!

My mother had a troubled life. Lots of anxiety, really awful unloving parents. She also had alcohol addiction. She couldn’t hold a job. She isolated herself. Her life was in shambles most her life.

In her journals she left behind (died 20 years ago) she describes maladaptive daydreaming (not in those exact words). She says things like whatever she wants she can dream up and feel. She would write she isn’t satisfied with reality. She became addicted and couldn’t stop. She lost… Continue

Added by Laura N on March 18, 2023 at 5:06pm — 6 Comments

When you daydream in the middle of your examinations

 Hello everyone.

My name is Priyanka, I am 17 years old and my life has considerably been fucked up.

 I had my end-of-term examinations and these are very important as my parents want me to study in a good college so I cannot be anything less than a straight-A student.

But then I started grooving to music late in the night, (as its the only the only time you can do weird stuff without anyone's judgement) as I had this epic daydream that I JUST wanted to wrap up.…


Added by Pro on March 4, 2023 at 3:10am — 4 Comments

Para brasileiros com devaneio excessivo

Boa noite, após um comentário aqui no site muitas pessoas me procuraram para conversar e tive contato com várias histórias interessantes. Acho que por sermos tão inspirados e termos uma certa…


Added by Maria Gabi on February 24, 2023 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Unexplained negative daydreams

so I have already mentioned about the sudden negative daydreams I experience while I hold in pee , I always thought that they were meaningless and had no basis but then after pondering over it I realized they are not .

so here is what happens in my negative daydreams I don’t even actively decide what happens it just comes into play,

(so it’s always that am a frail and meak child with bones peeking through my skin who is being sexually,  verbally and physically…


Added by Xyz on December 27, 2022 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Hello, I'm new and looking for advice

I'm Mark, I'm 23, and live in the UK. I was linked to this site through an article on MD.

I have been stuck in daydreams for as long as I remember. As soon as I was old enough to draw and write I have kept records of them, and my daydream worlds are numerous and very detailed. I didn't realise it might be unusual or a problem until I tried to stop, and didn't last five minutes. They're so real. I don't know what to do.

My question is, how do I seek professional help and… Continue

Added by Mark on December 4, 2022 at 8:14am — 7 Comments

Hey Y'all

I have been unbelievably busy (barely any time for daydreaming lol). I know there are several things I need to respond to but I'm still in the middle of things (that I can't wait to write about). So I'm just making a quick blog post to say I haven't gone anywhere : ) And I'm so excited to read what's been posted since I got so busy!

Added by Elaine on December 3, 2022 at 10:48am — 1 Comment

I Went to the Club

I can't dance.

Never could. I f*ck up the macarena y'all. I just can't dance. I canNOT twerk; I can't stay on beat. I can body roll and just vibe in place lol, but that's about it.

I also am not great with rights and lefts. Simple addition and subtraction; I'm a calculus tutor. AND operatic soprano- great voice (if I do say so myself); bad at karaoke, like horsesh*t. Maybe one day. My point is, I think I'm like, dyslexic but for beats and cardinal directions. It…


Added by Elaine on November 18, 2022 at 10:07am — 3 Comments

Organize a meeting like AA

Hello,my name is Liv. I keep thinking about an idea that how about we organize a meeting like what alcoholics anonymous does. Just share, talk and let each other know that we are not alone. For me, MD is a addiction. I believe people finding this forum either have MD or already have conquered it. Those experience is valuable and meaningful for every one suffering MD. I heard that because of epidemic some AA meetings are transferred online in zoom. Maybe we can do the same things too. I mean we… Continue

Added by Liv on November 18, 2022 at 6:37am — 9 Comments

Guide for Older Users

Hi, my name is Elaine, I just started posting today, and just read a suggestion that made me think of one of my own.

An older user suggested basically that there should be a commonly accepted age limit to daydreaming, which would be 25. I see the logic, but I think ultimately this user just picked that number arbitrarily for the year he thought that he could've/should've turned his life around.

He was last active in 2021, and who knows if he'll ever visit…


Added by Elaine on November 15, 2022 at 4:20pm — 7 Comments


I mean why not.

If you want to be tumblr mutuals, shoot me a friend request.

Added by Elaine on November 15, 2022 at 1:27pm — No Comments

Do I have to call it "maladaptive"?

When I first heard the term "maladaptive daydreaming", it hit me like a freight truck. I knew exactly what it meant, but I never looked into it before now. Not on purpose or anything, I guess I was a little scared because "maladaptive"!? That sounds bad.

I mean, I get it and it's not a bad descriptor at all. But honestly, it kept me from wanting to learn what anyone else had to say about this. Because, what if the general consensus is that I fall into the "needs fixing"… Continue

Added by Elaine on November 15, 2022 at 9:41am — No Comments

MD can be good?

I am 25 years old and have daydreams since my childhood. I was very neglected, I went through abuse, mistreatment and abandonment by my parents. So the daydreams at first became a refuge, since my life sucked. The problem is that it got bigger, the stories more and more realistic and I came to prefer to lie there imagining it instead of doing the least for my real life. I went to therapy, but no psychologist paid attention to it. They told me it was normal and that one hour it would stop. But I… Continue

Added by Kelly on November 4, 2022 at 12:05pm — 3 Comments

MD from childhood

Hello, I'm new to here. I'm a daydreamer from my very early childhood, now I'm 40 years old. In the last few years I felt something is not good but when I tried to stop it I felt fear and loneliness even I had suicide thoughts so I returned to my fantasy as it scared me. I was looking for what the problem is, I thought it's something special. 3 days ago I realized I'm not alone and it has a name: maladaptive daydream disorder.

I've had several childhood trauma which led me into several… Continue

Added by Kitti on October 17, 2022 at 3:00am — 8 Comments

MD just fading away

I am 20 now and I used to be utterly immersed in daydreaming since as young as I can remember. My dreamworld was constantly growing increasingly complex. This continued until I turned 18 and moved out. At the time, I had a lot of trauma in relation to my family, but as soon as I moved out, the daydreams just… faded away. No compulsions. It’s almost like I grew out of it. It’s odd, it’s been two years and I still haven’t had a compulsion. It’s incredibly freeing, but I miss it. Anyways I’m not… Continue

Added by Fallen Messenger on October 16, 2022 at 6:36am — 3 Comments


Hello! I'm new to the community. I don't know when I started MDing, exactly, but it was when I was in eighth grade that I started the pacing, and it got more frequent. That's when I started online school and didn't really have any friends. I felt isolated and weird, so it was a nice way to play pretend and imagine a world where I was pretty, thin (I was very insecure about my weight), and successful, where I traveled and constantly got to see new things and meet new people-- and where I didn't… Continue

Added by Mary on October 10, 2022 at 10:24pm — 4 Comments

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