Amanda Lynne's Blog – June 2014 Archive (4)

Bi-Polar Disorder

Well, just a few days ago at my doctor's visit I was diagnosed with another mental illness, bipolar disorder. I also have ADHD and anxiety/ depression. At this point I feel just all messed up, this is too much. I feel like a mistake.. but anyway does anyone else here also suffer from bipolar as well and does it affect your md in any extra way?

Added by Amanda Lynne on June 16, 2014 at 1:17pm — 3 Comments

How can I get through this without daydreaming?

     I know everybody gets their heart broken at some point in their life. I always thought people exaggerated the pain but if anything they undersold it. This is the worst grief I have ever felt. I go through the day and just realize I have tears going down my face and I don't even notice it, it's embarrassing. I was so happy and now it's gone, and everytime I think about it I just wanna scream. And the only thing that helps me feel better is daydreaming. But I don't want to do that…


Added by Amanda Lynne on June 12, 2014 at 3:57pm — 1 Comment

Making The Daydreams a Reality

     I'm no stranger to sadness and feeling hopeless, I've been diagnosed with depression afterall. But a few days ago it was different. It was really bad. I've wanted to die before. I've prayed for God to end my life before so I don't have to. But I never came close to doing it. Until a few days ago.

     I found myself sitting on my bathroom floor staring at my medication, genuinely contemplating giving up. I had my note written and everything. A part of me tried to talk myself out…


Added by Amanda Lynne on June 10, 2014 at 4:56pm — 4 Comments

MD is ruining my life.

Hey guys, I haven't been on here in probably over a year. & that probably has something to do with the fact that last spring I met a guy who I thought was the one. I didn't think it was possible for someone to even give me a chance, because I am so strange & isolated. But he did & it lasted a year. & then he left. And he took all the security and content I had gained from the relationship, and then some, with him. He was my happiness, maybe it wasn't sincere happiness, but it's… Continue

Added by Amanda Lynne on June 4, 2014 at 5:24pm — No Comments

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