Camoran's Blog (16)

Like clockwork

Well, it's been a good while. Years, to be precise, though you wouldn't know it to look at me.

It's so utterly soul-crushing, and yet so fascinating, to watch time pass and the details change while the foundations of one's life remain exactly the same. I've heard it said that "history never repeats, but it often rhymes", and I couldn't agree more.

Please forgive the vagueness, I know I'm going to sound overly cryptic. I'm just thinking out loud. Something has happened to me…


Added by Camoran on August 26, 2022 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Timezones, show mercy

Merry Christmas, folks. Here's hoping we'll all get something useful out of this whole rugged dream-in dream-out effort, and that the day will come soon.

Added by Camoran on December 25, 2017 at 6:57am — No Comments

Tale of a Blinded Architect

Another song made by yours truly, no alien languages this time! Hope you'll like it!


Change in sight

Brothers of a creed

Divinity long slumbered, now arise!

Greatest lie

Words of a false prophet

Thirst for truth and vengeance in the new


Gift of fate

A promise from afar

Long sought peace is now within my grasp

Cast aside

Justice of another



Added by Camoran on February 12, 2017 at 2:32am — No Comments

Awesome title

So, less than a week to go before 2016 kicks out. According to the internet, this has been the worst year in history. According to my country's weather forecasts, it's been the year with the hottest summer ever (they say that every year). According to my own experience, neither of those.

But experience is subjective. Different people exposed to the same event almost always internalize it in different ways. We are limited to our own point of view when it comes to first-hand experiences,…


Added by Camoran on December 25, 2016 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Trouble ahead

As some of you could clearly tell by my ramblings in chat these last two weeks, I've been having an increasingly hard time in keeping my sanity in check. Numerous aspects that had persisted for eras are coming into harder and harder friction against reality, whether I like it or not. Streams of thought that I had somewhat managed to chain into the back of my head for years are gaining unprecedented power.

My mind is fragmented, falling to pieces, and each of those pieces is fighting…


Added by Camoran on November 17, 2016 at 1:15pm — 1 Comment

A little deviation from the usual rants

The young woman woke up, her eyes opening up to a scenery quite different from the one she was in mere seconds before.

"Are you all right?" asked another female voice. She looked up. The two had never seen each other before, but it was obvious that this one had been there for much longer. "Not a nice trip, was it?"

The newcomer sat down, still trying to understand what was happening. "Who... Who are you? Where are we?"

"My name is Ima. I don't really know what this place is, but…


Added by Camoran on October 29, 2016 at 6:11pm — No Comments

Been falling for a while. Won't be pretty when I hit the ground.

Maybe someone will sense a bell ringing after reading this, maybe no one will. Doesn't change it much.

I've had my senses shrouded in daydreams since 2009, but I have reason to speculate it began as far back as 2003. That makes it a significant percentage of my existence. During this time, its form, meaning, purpose and functioning have all changed multiple times, sometimes subtly, sometimes drastically, ranging from spaceships to weird striped aliens to battles between demigods, and in…


Added by Camoran on October 13, 2016 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

That was unexpected

Boy, the things that happen when I'm not looking.

Is there any way to cut off the head of this NSFW out-of-place spamfest? Like a report button? I'm asking because I can't seem to find one.

To whoever is behind this annoying spambot: have you no shame? You're actively disrupting the activites of this site with couldn't-be-more-off-topic, repetitive content that nobody wants to see here, and you're flooding the whole place with it.

Dare you come out and justify…


Added by Camoran on August 30, 2016 at 2:06pm — No Comments

Epic music

These guys know their deal.

Added by Camoran on August 12, 2016 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Meyz se Kroniid

I felt like putting down a bit of a song, then I thought "Why not post it on WM instead of just keeping it on my computer where no one will ever see it?"

So here it is. The title means "Coming of the Conqueror".

Ko hahnu gol siiv duri

Kolos tahrovin los thuri

Het ont dir fin Vahlok

Krivahaan naal aaznu dok

Dahmaan! Dahmaan! Hadrim feyn

Dahmaan diin haalvut se dinok

Miin se Nil koraavaan pah

Vahzen tinvaak, "Hi nid…


Added by Camoran on May 4, 2016 at 3:09pm — 1 Comment

Day 1000

Today is a thousand days since I first decided to stop thinking and dreaming, and put my ideas, ideals and goals into action.

My intention was to reach a point when I would look back and see a history of accomplishments and finished works, instead of the constant stream of disappointments and half-a**ed tasks that had been a constant for years.

As some of you know, that is not the case.

Many things happened in these 1000 days. I learned new stuff, about the…


Added by Camoran on March 3, 2016 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

Events here have somewhat of a talent for repeating

The recent flow of new users and their stories has made me reflect on how history in this place keeps looping.

I've been here since 2014 and I've seen people come and go, each with their distinct points of view, ideals and goals. Some were open to discussion and conversation while others remained silent. A select few managed to remove the 'maladaptive' in front of their daydreaming and got out of here "victorious".

Those who wrote down their stories, either in posts or in the…


Added by Camoran on February 19, 2016 at 3:41pm — 2 Comments

Possible connection between MDD and boring life?

This has probably been already said, but I got to thinking about it just now.

From what I know about brains, they need to be stimulated in order to work right, and if they're not stimulated enough, they make up interesting stuff (a.k.a. 'hallucinate').

Now, as you all can probably imagine, a life in which every day sucks all the same to the point where you start having trouble tracking time, not to mention that you hate it all, is bound to feel boring as hell. And when nothing…


Added by Camoran on February 13, 2016 at 3:40pm — 10 Comments

A word of warning

If you find that your daydreams involve characters from, based on, or inspired by real life, I urge you to detach them from their 'originals', or delete them altogether if you can't separate the two.

If you let anything to do with your characters leak from the daydream into your real perspective, they will influence your perception and view. They will influence your opinions, actions, feelings and memories, and you don't want that.

Isolate or destroy.…


Added by Camoran on January 14, 2016 at 1:38pm — 10 Comments

Things have apparently gone further downhill

After finishing my latest reply to Eretaia's giant 4-part post, I went to read my first ever post on this site, just for the heck of it. I think I'm a bit shocked by how low I have sunk since then.

Here I was, a couple of minutes ago, expecting to find childish ranting and general bulls- like usually happens when I read my old posts. Now I think I really need to do something. So what is that something, you may wonder.

Oh, that's the fun part. How about a guessing…


Added by Camoran on December 13, 2015 at 4:10pm — 12 Comments

My story of illusion vs reality

I'm done jumping back and forth from blog to blog ranting about things that are bordering off-topic, so I'll just put it all here.

Some say daydreaming is a curse, others say it's a tool. What I say is that it is what you let it become. In my case, it's become a monster, a completely different, intricate and complex dimension that has mixed and stacked with reality. It has free reign on my memories, dictates how I feel, dictates every damned detail of my life, because I unconsciously…


Added by Camoran on November 15, 2014 at 1:36pm — 5 Comments

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