Wish Upon A Wish's Blog – September 2012 Archive (2)

Don't want to get caught.

Okay, I started tertiary study a couple of weeks ago, and now drive myself out there. It's about a 35min drive.

After a few days, and finally getting used to driving myself, I've started singing out loud, a lot, and loudly, and sometimes even talk out loud to a character who isn't there (and no, I don't delude myself into thinking they're there. I know they're not). I'm kind of scared that if I drive someone somewhere, and we don't talk, I may end up singing out loud or…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on September 20, 2012 at 8:03pm — 4 Comments

A few random, unrelated things

I'm just gonna say a few random things here in no particular order or anything, so no clue how long or unreadable it will be. 

You know what sucks?


This. It's  R18.

I'll be turning 17 just 27 days before that show. I want to go so damn badly, and was prepared to spend money on flights up to Auckland and some expensive hotel…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on September 3, 2012 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

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