Wish Upon A Wish's Blog – May 2012 Archive (2)

Decisions. Scared. Why, exactly?

Okay, earlier this year I made friends with an exchange student, and she's pretty damn awesome. Her birthday's tomorrow, along with her party, and honestly, I'm kinda scared for it. She's inviting some people in her sports team she just joined that I don't really know, and I don't really actually mind that, I think. I've got her present and I'm a little nervous she won't like it. I was actually looking for a wolf silverfoil, one of these type of things:…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on May 28, 2012 at 9:56pm — 4 Comments

Ah, the irony...

Okay, often I do this thing I sometimes call 'half-daydreaming' or something (I need to figure out how to word half-daydreaming as something that comes to me like my therapist said) and it's when I'm doing something, often on the computer, sometimes while driving etc, where, rather than imagining me in some other place, I'll just be talking as if someone else is there (ah, the number of times I have done things like take two glasses out instead of one is too high to count), and nothing big…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on May 15, 2012 at 8:53pm — 8 Comments

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