Sometimes I daydream so much that I forget to do self-care. Taking meds, multi vitamin, turmeric. I read somewhere that the same areas where people developed Alzheimers is the same area where people daydream. It freaked me out so I started taking turmeric. India has one of the lowest rates of Alzheimers- it is thought turmeric in the Indian food may reduce inflammation. Flossed my teeth. good toothbrush cleaning. Trying to get back to reality. Clawing my way back out of the quicksand of MD.
Added by Windy City Day Dreamer on May 27, 2019 at 5:40pm —
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I had quite a binge on MD this weekend. My heads hurts. Going to read a book now on “Gifted Education.” My son is gifted - trying to get out of the MD mode and into the real life mode. One moment at a time. one day at a time. Going back to reality.
Added by Windy City Day Dreamer on May 27, 2019 at 5:25pm —
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I’m currently doing my A Levels but just can’t concentrate on revision because I keep daydreaming! It’s so irritating because it’s not a distraction I can just put in another room (e.g phone) it’s always there:/ if anyone has any tips they would be seriously appreciated:)
Added by Emily on May 23, 2019 at 6:21am —
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Fellow MD’ers,
Recently I’ve been contemplating a bit on my personal context of MD. I kinda analyzed it, and realized it might help others to share my experience or it might help me getting feedback on my case. So.. I’ll just briefly start with my story. I have Md since childhood. Maybe it originated from the rather troubled family I grew up in, with parents that spent most of their time in their head and not communicating with each other. I just remember I was already having…
Added by MDphonehome on May 12, 2019 at 2:00am —
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