Day 1 - I've been Maladaptive Daydreaming for over four years now, and I know that it's time to stop. I've recently been able to improve my life, but am facing some obstacles right now and want to clear my mind and focus on improvement. Today I spent a huge amount of time in depression and daydreaming, trying to escape my current circumstances and overlooking all the blessings in my life. I truly believe that all our lives have so much value, value beyond our imagination, and that we should try our hardest to recognize that value. So right now, I will take small steps, starting off by forgiving myself for all the mistakes I have made, and calmly take on whatever I need to do.

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Day 18 - Today I would say my MD's were fairly moderate, and I often was able to identify them and eventually take steps to step back from them. I really think the main challenge is trying to figure out what to do when I step back from daydreaming--what thoughts or actions should I engage myself with the extra space in my mind?
Day 20 - I was able to catch quite a number of MD episodes today, and felt like it was not overly difficult to step back from them. I still have the lingering question of what should I be doing with my mind when I'm not engaged in MD.

One possible thought is having a to-do list handy, so I can maybe spend extra metal space planning towards accomplishing certain goals?
Day 21 - I've been thinking about some high level life questions today, and have been fairly low in terms of MD frequency. I'll see how things go, and update tomorrow.
Day 22 - MD was near an all time low (as compared to the last few months) this morning. Near the afternoon and evening, MD definitely picked up to frequencies approaching normal levels. However, I'll see how tomorrow goes.
Day 23 - Today was a fun day in general. I had fairly strong MD around morning, but the MD frequency definitely decreased over the course of the day as I engaged myself in more activities.
Day 24 - MD definitely does pop up during times when I feel I have extra free time, or especially when I don't have things planned out to do. I felt fairly tired during much of the earlier portion of the day, but noticed that this tiredness quickly disappeared once I did a few minutes of brief exercise. Even now, I find that MD constantly comes and goes, but doesn't have the same grip over me as it has in the morning.
Day 25 - Real life has been pretty fun and fairly rewarding, but I've noticed that MD is still very much present. I know it's something that's not going to go away immediately, but with time and concentrated, conscious rewiring, should decrease in frequency and intensity.

Today I choose to step back from MD by focusing on what I'm grateful for in my real life.
Day 27 - Yesterday real life hit hard, and I did experience a bout of depression that was difficult to climb out of. However, after allowing some time, perspective, and a period to learn about my mind, things got better.

Surprisingly, after a positive event, my mind went into a thick session of MD. I'll continue to watch my mind and see what happens.

Today, I choose to step back from MD by focusing on something I want to make happen in my real life, and working on making it happen
Day 32 - The last few days have been quite intense and very eventful. Also, during the course of these days, I've allowed myself to reflect on some unresolved issues in my life which I haven't fully allowed myself to address.

It's been difficult trying to process it all, but with time it's been getting easier. What really helps is reminding myself to not take on all my worries at once, and focus on feeling a sense of calm and peace.

Today I choose to step back from MD by completing small but necessary tasks in real life.
Day 33 - Today my MD was fairly under control for the majority of the day.

During the evening, I did an activity that brought me stress. I decided to listen to music for a bit while working on the activity, and that brought me into a series of daydreams.

The next time I feel a similar feeling of stress, I plan to watch a video on dealing with stress, and postpone MD as a later option.
Day 34 - My levels of MD have definitely been fluctuating throughout the day, but having daily reflection here on wildminds has really been helping. The reflection has helped me better identify when I start to MD, and in turn, effectively step back from such episodes.
Day 40 - I notice I get intense MD episodes after I go on jogs, when in the shower, and when getting ready. I am going to try to restrict the amount of time I spend daydreaming by going through mental affirmations during those times.


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