Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Day 1 - I've been Maladaptive Daydreaming for over four years now, and I know that it's time to stop. I've recently been able to improve my life, but am facing some obstacles right now and want to clear my mind and focus on improvement. Today I spent a huge amount of time in depression and daydreaming, trying to escape my current circumstances and overlooking all the blessings in my life. I truly believe that all our lives have so much value, value beyond our imagination, and that we should try our hardest to recognize that value. So right now, I will take small steps, starting off by forgiving myself for all the mistakes I have made, and calmly take on whatever I need to do.
Day 4 - My daydreaming has definitely been a bit out of hand today and I was not able to accomplish nearly as much as I had hoped I would. I guess I really need to reaffirm myself of my purpose, and remind myself that even despite setbacks it is critical that I constantly remain in the pursuit of going after my goals and beating Maladaptive Daydreaming. There is so much to work for in life, and there's honestly so much I can do. I shouldn't get discouraged and need to keep going.
Day 5 - Today I was honestly able to get more done than yesterday, and my daydreams weren't as intense. I was able to focus on goals that took me beyond daydreaming, but it has still been a bit tough at times. I'm going to keep at it, keep journaling here, and hopefully improve my presence of mind.
Day 6 - My daydreaming hasn't been that bad so far. I got a substantial amount of work done, so at this point I just need to work on remaining in the present and not dampening my fire to get the most out of life. I need to take action that is inspiring and uplifting, and mix that with more mundane but necessary activities to bring me forward. In the process, I believe I can enjoy an amazing evening and take steps towards building a phenomenal and fulfilling life!
Meditation is definitely a great tool to combat MD. I haven't been able to meditate successfully but have been setting aside time to focus on my breathing and center myself in the present. I really wanted to be completely free of MD for that long, but honestly I have been daydreaming every day, and I'm just keeping track of days in order to have a frame of reference from when I started my current journaling cycle. Even though fighting MD can seem discouraging at times, we have to keep at it. Behavior changes like this will not occur overnight but can be made possible by a consistent and sustained effort. There will be many ups and downs in the process, but I am confident that eventually we can all life a life free of MD, and use that extra time and energy to focus on living the best possible real lives we can!
chris trifi said:
I started reading with some hope and then at some point you reached at day 180 and M.D. Was still strong. I was disappointed a little. I am fighting MD for 3 months and it seems extremely hard to deal with it. Meditation is the only thing that really helps me but it's very hard
Personally journaling has really helped me keep myself accountable to a certain extent into how much I'm daydreaming. Maladaptive Daydreaming feels pleasurable in the moment but trapping and unfulfilling when seen from a larger context. All I can say is that we do have the potential to completely overcome Maladaptive Daydreaming. I've found it helpful to view MD as an addiction to certain types of daydreams, and I have used guides and tips for many other addictions to address my problems with MD. Also please don't be ashamed of your daydreams, you do belong in many places and the world will only benefit from your contributions. Remaining positive constantly can be nearly impossible, but if you're ever feeling down on yourself, try to remind yourself of all the reasons why your real self is absolutely amazing (and there are too many reasons to list, trust me).
Prachi Verma said:
Wow ! That's a great thing to do !
Well, as I have been MD from the last seven years or so and I can't describe how bad it feels. Yes , it detached me from my real demonic world but it isn't of any help. I used to think that I was born with it ! But now I know that I ain't. Something got horribly wrong in the way.
I hope journaling the will help. I hope it does. Today i set aside an hour for daydreaming after which I felt slightly better. I was LESS distracted during the day and even managed some work. I feel as if I belong nowhere. MD sucks. It's the negativity which is in me .
Day 7 - My daydreams were a bit stronger today as when I went out to a new place, I started feeling a bit insecure about myself and tried to run away from that insecurity by daydreaming. I was able to catch myself daydreaming during a few moments throughout the day and successfully but temporarily step back from my daydreams. I didn't accomplish that much today, but honestly the main think I can do right now is get myself as excited as possible for the possibilities in my real life and go forth from there.
It's honestly amazing how we can all share our experiences with daydreaming and help each other through the process using this site. I believe that we can all inspire one another to take back control of our real lives and curb Maladaptive Daydreaming.
Alice Liddle said:
Im so happy i found this site. Like so many of you, i thought i was alone.
Day 8 - Today my daydreams were similarly intense as yesterday. I decided to push forth regarding my obligations and was able to loosen MD's grip over me towards the later part of the day. I just need to keep up with discipline, because having a disciplined routine usually brings me back to the present and grounds me in what I need to do.
Day 10 - Today I kept myself busy for a large portion of the day, and as a result my MD was not that intense during those times of the day. However, towards the evening my daydreams did creep up and I allowed a feeling of tiredness and laziness take over and prevent me from taking the actions necessary to create a fulfilling evening. All I can do at this point is just to resolve in my mind that I'll give my best from this moment forward to cherish my time, and in the process keep my daydreams at bay.
Day 12 - So today I was somewhat busy and I did try keeping my mind motivated as much as I could, but I found myself sinking deeper into daydreaming. I've realized that my self-discipline is starting to deteriorate as I have less concrete goals at the moment, and that lack of discipline is making way for daydreaming. I really need to get up and get things together. I guess I should start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier so I have more time to focus on my goals in real life and spend less time being indecisive and daydreaming.
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