Weirdest or scariest thing you've done while DD...?

Hello guys,

While i daydream sometimes when im in the subway i forget to stop where i was suposed to or when im cooking i put the oil in the fridge cause i've been DD. My boyfriend is like: Why did you put the oil in the fridge?? And im like: No, i didn't.. and then i realise that i've must have done it while i was DD.

Anyway i was curious about what is the weirdest or even scariest thing you've done because of DD?

All the best dreamers :)

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I stare at people for a long period of time then snap out of it by the waving of their hands.
Idk if you count that weird..
I was comming from Sheffield to Leeds on the train and was dd at the Sheffield platform and got on the train and ended up in Manchester a hour opposite direction. Was scared as i was there at 1 and the train was the last train of the night and my mobile battery ran out. Lucky someone lent me there mobile and waited with me at the station till I got picked up. I should pay more attention but can't help but dd.

Also I have broken things, lost so many keys, cards , mobile phones , glassers and bags as I don't pay attention.
I also stare at people without knowing too haha.

I will rarely notice anyone I know on the street unless they come to me and shake me haha

I love my little world

Once at a friends birthday (well, I hung out with her in yr8 but her and V weren't that nice to me, though we did have fun, so in yr9 at highschool I basically stopped talking to them, but still got invite to her bday to see if they'd be nicer but I think they were worse than usual. So, not really friend's bday but yeah) I started DDing and not paying attention, and I heard them say numbers like "I have 4" and "I have two" and then I was asked how many I had, and I had no idea what they were talking about haha. Turns out the topic was brothers.

Uhh... Scariest thing... I've nearly hit cars/got hit, walking, biking and scootering (not the push scooters, the motorbike-type things) and walked out on the road. Though a couple of weeks ago I was with my friend and we were trying to cross the road, and she basically had to hold me back 'cause twice I nearly crossed and would've been hit or the car would've had to slow down if it weren't for her, but not really from DD, mostly just from being absent-minded as hell.

I do DD a bit in the car, while driving (hence the reason I haven't driven alone, I'm a little scared to) and when I scootered to school last year, and it's quite scary knowing that I'm going what, 50 to 70km/h and aren't really paying attention to other cars or the road.....

Hello Roobles.

That sounds pretty scary and strange. I think that i would panic if it ever happens to me. I never lost everything for the moment. Hope that doesn't happen to you anymore anything like that.


Roobles said:

I was comming from Sheffield to Leeds on the train and was dd at the Sheffield platform and got on the train and ended up in Manchester a hour opposite direction. Was scared as i was there at 1 and the train was the last train of the night and my mobile battery ran out. Lucky someone lent me there mobile and waited with me at the station till I got picked up. I should pay more attention but can't help but dd.

Also I have broken things, lost so many keys, cards , mobile phones , glassers and bags as I don't pay attention.
I also stare at people without knowing too haha.

I will rarely notice anyone I know on the street unless they come to me and shake me haha

I love my little world

Hello Wish

It used to happen to me to not pay attention when i cross the road. I think that is scary for us but also for the drivers. I don't think i will ever pass my driving license cause i daydream a lot when im biking and that can be dangerous for people.. Thats a really bad bad side of DD. Someone can get hurt, not because we are drunk or high but ONLY because we were daydreaming... :S All the best to you :)

Wish Upon A Wish said:

Once at a friends birthday (well, I hung out with her in yr8 but her and V weren't that nice to me, though we did have fun, so in yr9 at highschool I basically stopped talking to them, but still got invite to her bday to see if they'd be nicer but I think they were worse than usual. So, not really friend's bday but yeah) I started DDing and not paying attention, and I heard them say numbers like "I have 4" and "I have two" and then I was asked how many I had, and I had no idea what they were talking about haha. Turns out the topic was brothers.

Uhh... Scariest thing... I've nearly hit cars/got hit, walking, biking and scootering (not the push scooters, the motorbike-type things) and walked out on the road. Though a couple of weeks ago I was with my friend and we were trying to cross the road, and she basically had to hold me back 'cause twice I nearly crossed and would've been hit or the car would've had to slow down if it weren't for her, but not really from DD, mostly just from being absent-minded as hell.

I do DD a bit in the car, while driving (hence the reason I haven't driven alone, I'm a little scared to) and when I scootered to school last year, and it's quite scary knowing that I'm going what, 50 to 70km/h and aren't really paying attention to other cars or the road.....

Wow...I still remember this because it was mortifying. I was in the 3rd grade, and I dazed out. I remember making this weird gesture...I shrugged, but it was so dramatic. Like, I brought my hand up with my shoulders. Everyone in my class was staring at me, and when I realized I'd done it about 3-4 times, I got suppppeeeerrr embarrassed. They all busted out laughing and mocking me. That was absolutely mortifying. LOL.
Haha just after putting this on here The past week i have left my debt card in a shop and had to go back then 4 days later I left my bag in another shop and lost allcards everyone was furious. I also put green tea in fridge, nearly got run over twice and got off and the wrong bus stop only 1 stop late luckily.

Seriously think my brain is like mush. I annoy most people with my scatter brain as my mum calls me haha
I do stuff like that all the time. Ill put ketchup in sink and throw
Away silverware without even realizing a thing and we usually have to end up throwing it away XD. My family isnt too fond of this, my aunt even calls me dizzy cuz of my weird behavior haha. But nothing dangerous or anything..

When I daydream I get so wrapped up in it. I fail to notice people around me. Just a few hours ago I was daydreaming and taking the trash out for my mom. My dad came home from work and said hi to me. It scared me so much I screamed and threw the bag at him. I once was daydreaming at my couins house and he was fixing his gf car and i was holding a screw driver and something scared me out of the daydream and I threw the screw driver at him and it was inches from his eye. 

Let's see, I stare at people. I don't know how long I stare at them, but I catch myself staring a lot. That's the weirdest.
Quite a few times I've almost gotten hit by cars. That's the scariest.
I've burnt food a few times. And just the other day I was biting my nails really hard and my mother asked me if I was okay. I didn't even realize I was doing it. So that was a bit embarrassing. 

i stare too. there is this one boy in my class that always notices it and always whispers to his neighbour "hey look at her" but then i here them so i snap out of it and pretend nothing happened

I was doing a driving lesson the other day and I accidentally slipped into a daydream


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