We’d like to take a moment to ask ALL MDers, on every platform, to take this brief poll. Awareness efforts have been scattered, with everyone doing their own thing. We’d like the community, as a whole, to decide when is the best time for a Maladaptive Daydreaming Awareness ‘observance’ of some kind. Every single vote matters. If you are bi-lingual: Below there are links to this survey in various languages. Please, take them, carry them to any community or Maladaptive Daydreamer you know of in these languages.
Permalink Reply by Cain on October 27, 2021 at 9:18pm
Selecting a day, week or month is random. Everyone will have their own personal preferences and I don't think a vote to select 1 day from the whole year is gong to help here.
Is there any significalt event or breakthrough that happened in the MD community? Maybe that day could be observed as MD day or whatever.
It would be better if you could provide a few options in the survey (days where something big happened in the MD community) and let people select an event which resonates with them the most.
I know I glorify this quite often, I would vote for the day eretaia's first blog post on MD was out. That post changed the way I think very deeply.
Otherwise how about the day, this website was created? If I wouldn't find this, I would never have found all the details on MD.
Third and a more easier option is to just throw a dart at a calender. ;)