So I just figured out that I am indeed not crazy and this is an actual thing ( which might I say is quite a relief). 

I have always been very imaginative as a child, even to the point where my friends couldn't see, and i've always gotten attached to these fantasy worlds I would create and I would think about them non stop. Whenever I even hear a good song my day dreaming kicks off. The major problem for me is that sometimes I get really attached to a fantasy to where I get major anxiety when i'm not around it. Recently movie series have made me feel this. about 10 days ago I got sucked into one of these big movie worlds that have alot of story to them and it got to the point to where I wasn't eating because I got anxious whenever I wasn't around it or in my room thinking about it. Ill usually place myself into the storyline of that universe. I'm eating again but I'm having trouble leaving my room and talking to people because it's bringing me back into reality and my anxiety hypes up. 

I guess what i'm asking is if anyone else desires to live in their daydream/ fantasy so much that whenever reality hits they get major anxiety? And if so what helps? I'm usually able to pull myself out because of school but it's summer and that gave me a lot of time to think. My dad is trying to understand but I can't tell him because it wont make any sense so he's making me go to someone after years of this happening but im scared to talk about it because it seems so silly for a young adult. 

I' m just really happy I found this site and know that there is a community who is judgement free and actually understands. 

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First off, welcome aboard.
Second off, why do you consider it silly to have that kind of problems? What about them makes them an irrational concern? Are they imagined? Clearly not, because they have real world consequences. Are they harmless? They influence and disrupt your daily life, so no. Is it you who believes that these issues are silly, or is that a foreign notion that was peer-pressured into you?

You might want to think on that if you haven't already.

I do feel the same. Maybe not to the point where I don’t eat, but I get upset when I want to get to this imaginary world and when someone doesn’t want to leave my house so I can go back to it.
Though I am more concerned about the fact that now, even when I am outside waiting for a train for instance, I sometimes believe I am in this imaginary world. I don’t think I am crazy either though but sometimes, this imaginary world is better

I guess I feel bad that so many people are dealing with worse things that give them anxiety and my anxiety stems from desires that most adults would see childish. Recently they have been keeping me from going out of the house because I dont want to be a part of the reality in which I live. 

Camoran said:

First off, welcome aboard.
Second off, why do you consider it silly to have that kind of problems? What about them makes them an irrational concern? Are they imagined? Clearly not, because they have real world consequences. Are they harmless? They influence and disrupt your daily life, so no. Is it you who believes that these issues are silly, or is that a foreign notion that was peer-pressured into you?

You might want to think on that if you haven't already.

My eating is getting better now. But how do you get yourself to go out and do things when it gets bad? 

Sarah said:

I do feel the same. Maybe not to the point where I don’t eat, but I get upset when I want to get to this imaginary world and when someone doesn’t want to leave my house so I can go back to it.
Though I am more concerned about the fact that now, even when I am outside waiting for a train for instance, I sometimes believe I am in this imaginary world. I don’t think I am crazy either though but sometimes, this imaginary world is better

Other people's problems being worse than yours doesn't make your problems any less bad. And who is "most adults"? What does that even mean? Are your problems less important because other people might not take them seriously? It's your sanity at stake here, not theirs.

Juliana Rose said:

I guess I feel bad that so many people are dealing with worse things that give them anxiety and my anxiety stems from desires that most adults would see childish. Recently they have been keeping me from going out of the house because I dont want to be a part of the reality in which I live. 

I am sorry I took a long time to reply.
I like going out so it’s not difficult, I try to see people who, I know, will make me think about something else. So when I am out with them, I usually don’t, or not not that much, think of the imaginary world. But once I am alone, I act like I am living another life, even outside, this is what I am concerned about because I am afraid there’s a moment I won’t be capable of separate both worlds.


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