So lately I've been reading a while lot more. Both books and fanfiction, but the one thing that annoys me the most is that literally after every sentence I have to stop for a few minutes and daydream. If I try to stop myself from daydreaming while reading I seriously become so exhausted!

And it kind of sucks I admit because before I could easily breeze through reading something but now, it takes hours and hours. *sigh*

I'm not gonna lie though, but it gives me a lot of inspiration and ideas(O.O pretty much all my daydreams do >.<) but these ones hit me harder than most.

Aishhh, I think I'm just gonna end this post here cause I just keep drifting off :)

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Comment by Patra Sealey on June 1, 2014 at 8:19pm

Honestly, I don't have this problem anymore. ha.

I think I've upgraded, because now I can read, watch shows, pay attention in class(hard to believe, I know) or do whatever while daydreaming at the same time.

Just yesterday I finished a whole book in a few hours, so it's something that doesn't bother me anymore.

Is no one else like this? Being able to daydream while doing whatever you please?

Comment by The1andonlyAbber on June 1, 2014 at 8:03pm
@Skyler M., schoolbooks trigger me as well. Nonfiction triggers me just as much as fiction. Which is really annoying when I'm trying to do homework. Usually when I do homework I'll get triggered, then quickly finish the rest of my homework while fighting to stay in reality, and then immediately collapse into a daydream.
Comment by The1andonlyAbber on June 1, 2014 at 7:59pm
My dad knows about my MD, and I tell him nearly everything that happens in my daydreams. My dad and I both like Doctor Who and Star Trek:Next Generation, so we watch them on Netflix and geek out together. My dad keeps getting annoyed because every 5 minutes I'll have to pause and yell out a daydream idea the show gave me.
Comment by Skyler M. on October 22, 2010 at 11:20pm
Same here, fan fiction is a HUGE trigger for me, as are most books (including my western civ. book!). It's incredibly hard, but I've stopped reading. This is so frustrating! Crack heads don't have to give up their favorite Sylvia Plath poems! But I guess it's one of the only ways for us to stop. :/
Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on August 26, 2010 at 2:01pm
Taken me so many days to memorize the freakin' Unit Circle. I have periods where I can be semi-focused & my memory itself is actually pretty good.....but it's so hard to get into that groove. I've always got at least 6 browser tabs up along with other programs & constantly shifting around. It's SO BAD. Thx for sharing. Makes me feel a little less crazy.........just a tiny bit. Lol.
Comment by Penguin on August 26, 2010 at 8:15am
I stopped reading fiction altogether because of how strongly it makes me daydream -__-
Comment by Tila on August 26, 2010 at 4:53am
Haha! I do the same thing!
After reading just a few really snarky Youtube comments on subjects that interest me
I need to pace around for a few minutes.....
(which my roommates sleeping below me can probably hear!)
Then I come back and start reading again, hoping to find something else that moves me.
Last night I did it for about 5 hours.

I'm not proud of this. :/

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