F J's Blog (7)


Hi everyone!

I have a question for you guys in relationships and living with them - when you moved in together did you tell them about everything related to MDing? Or do you hide it from them, how does that work? Do you go to a quiet room and have daydreaming time?

I'd love to get married one day but I struggle to imagine telling someone else about the daydreaming once we live together.

Added by F J on April 19, 2024 at 10:32am — 10 Comments


What's up with all the spam this page is getting? Is this why people seem to not be using it anymore and how do I flag it? 

Added by F J on March 14, 2018 at 5:48pm — 2 Comments


What's up with all the spam this page is getting? Is this why people seem to not be using it anymore and how do I flag it? 

Added by F J on March 14, 2018 at 5:48pm — No Comments

Giving up tips? Please share...

I am not sure I ever want to give up entirely because sometimes it's entertaining and comforting.

But does anyone have tips that have worked for them to stop or lower daydreaming? I have tried to cut out triggers like for example I listen to music much, much less now.

Any and all comments would be appreciated thanks guys xx

Added by F J on January 4, 2018 at 2:53pm — 4 Comments

Vicious cycle

I want to get this off my chest as I don't talk about my MD to people I know....

I feel like my low self confidence causes me to daydream a lot abd in turn my daydreams cause me to have low self confidence... Hence the title - vicious cycle!

Any advice on how to break it... I just wanna be brave and confident in myself enough to live in the real world.

Added by F J on February 24, 2016 at 4:41pm — 4 Comments

Boredom/Too much free time

I've concluded boredom and too much free time is the biggest cause for my day dreams.

It started when I was younger as an escape from bullying and social anxiety and now I use it for escape, comfort and entertainment.

Any tips on how to keep myself busy to stop doing it so much??? Desperately looking for a graduate job... but for an English student with social anxiety and poor communication skills it's not the easiest of tasks!

Added by F J on December 7, 2015 at 12:08pm — 7 Comments

Dealing with MD...

Hi all,

I was wondering what your best ways to handle MD in your day to day lives are?

I am struggling to minimise my daydreaming and I do not want it to take over my life.

It can help and be a source of creativity, comfort and escape but I would like to hear some

suggestions of how to fantasize less so I can enjoy the moments and people around me, if you have any...

Thanks guys and have a good day! :)

Added by F J on January 8, 2015 at 6:08pm — 3 Comments

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