I have read that many people do this. When I'm alone I always sort of whisper what my characters are saying. So, I'm just curious... How many of you do this?
Added by Grace on November 29, 2012 at 3:09pm —
I've read things where people talk about what happens when they stop daydreaming. Is there anyone who just CAN'T stop? Even if I really try, I can't do it. I DD constantly, and no matter what I do, I can't stop, not ever for seconds. When I'm talking to someone, I still do it in the back of my head. I have read this is just like any other addiction, but I don't think so at all. For example, an alcoholic cannot drink if there is not any alcohol to consume, obviously, but we always have our…
Added by Grace on November 24, 2012 at 8:54am —
So, I just read a few comments about what some of yall DD of, and a lot are very crazy scenarios. I was just wondering, does anyone DD about just, sort of normal things?
Added by Grace on November 22, 2012 at 4:37am —
I never daydream about myself. I don't find it interesting. I have daydreamed about other people forever. I like to, though. One of the people I daydream about, I pretend is from my town, though, and I used to have someone made up in my head who had my same friends, but a completely different look and life. I never thought of her as myself. Does anyone else do this?
Added by Grace on November 21, 2012 at 4:18pm —
Since I've found out there is actually a name for this, I have realized why I can never seem to focus in class, and why I don't feel like talking much, and plenty of other things, too. My grades are starting to look bad now, and I haven't told anyone about my M.D. I definitely can't tell my friends. They would think this was a joke and I was overreacting. I can't even imagine what my parents would do... but I still feel like someone should know. Have you told your family or friends? How did you…
Added by Grace on November 14, 2012 at 7:13pm —
Okay, so I hope I'm not the only one, but I can only daydream about real people. Sometimes minor characters change, but for over 2 years, I have daydreamed about the same two people's relationship. They broke up over a year ago. I don't really want to say who, but I feel like I kind of have to to explain this... I'll just say they are on YouTube, if anyone watches vloggers or whatever... I used to daydream about others, and they may sometimes change a little, but I have become so attached to…
Added by Grace on November 12, 2012 at 7:29pm —
Im going to sleepover with two of my friends tonight and im really worried. I dont know if ill be able to talk to my friends all night long without having to be alone and daydream for a while. I dont have that many sleepovers because i havent really been wanting to socialize much, but i really do want to go and have fun. What should I do?
Added by Grace on November 9, 2012 at 12:12pm —
I've just recently learned about this, but I am positive I have it, and have since as long as I can remember. I cannot stop. I do it constantly, and its starting to affect my grades. I have great friends and parents, and have had no trauma that could have triggered it, but I just find life sort of... dull. Nothing exciting ever happens to me. I don't enjoy talking to my friends anymore, I'd rather go off into my world and just daydream. I don't even dream about myself... I don't want…
Added by Grace on November 8, 2012 at 7:30pm —