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Mils's Page

Hi!!! I'm mils :)

I've had MD since I was 7, and I thought I was crazy and I felt alone.

I only learnt that it had a name a couple years ago. since then, I was able to find more people that have it.

Then I found this website, and I'm so happy there's a community out there with other people who struggle with it!! :) 

I hope to talk to you all, and that we can all work on our MD and support each other through it <3

Mils's Blog

33 Days MD-free!

Posted on October 8, 2024 at 4:18am 0 Comments

Hey! So by some miracle, I've finally managed to surpass my 14-day-streak of not maladaptive daydreaming. 33 days, woohoo!!! I'm just gonna tell you my thoughts and experiences in dot-points for the sake of time and ease:

  • Despite still having strong urges to do it every now and then, it's starting to repulse me. Thinking about it reminds me of how horrible I would feel about myself after doing it.
  • Even though I have not properly MDed for a month, it's still manifesting…

I could've been someone

Posted on August 17, 2024 at 6:58pm 5 Comments

hiiii it's been a while

so lately I've been struggling with a lot of things, and then something hit me. If I didn't have MD for the majority of my life, I might've been able to achieve what I have dreamt of. Maybe if I didn't lose all those hours to it, I could've developed the social skills and intelligence to get what I wanted by now. I always dreamy of revenge of people who've hurt me, but I can't execute those plans now, I don't know I'm just writing stuff. It just hurts me to…


MD set me back years - figuring out who I am

Posted on June 5, 2024 at 5:40pm 1 Comment

Reading some blog posts on here made me realise something - my MD has set me back years. I had a distorted view of who I wanted to be through my daydreams - a violent person surrounded by drama and boys. And I realized, this is what I wanted when I was in primary school. I didn't want this to be my life when I'm out in the real world. But I was still clinging to this version of me, one with anger issues who can do whatever she wanted. 

A few months ago, I had some time without my…


Social interaction as a trigger

Posted on March 22, 2024 at 10:58pm 1 Comment

I just had my longest streak of not doing it - 3 days! 

I've managed to not let my usual triggers get to me, by either avoiding them or by throwing myself into another thing altogether to distract me. The trigger I'm struggling with is socialising - hanging out with friends and talking seems to have the biggest impact on me. I don't know how to keep it under control, I keep caving. I understand it's triggered because I want to be seen as cool or normal, but I already have friends who…


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At 5:42am on November 3, 2023, Kave said…

Hello my friend, I am very sorry to hear this but I would like to confirm with you if you are online please answer me.

Latest Activity

John Alves liked Mils's blog post 33 Days MD-free!
John Alves liked Mils's blog post 33 Days MD-free!
Yukia liked Mils's blog post 33 Days MD-free!
Oct 8
Mils replied to Jessica Ballantyne's discussion Does anybody feel that daydreams Maladjusted their growth and development?
"Oh my god yes, I've had this exact same experience. It's so crappy, to think I spent a solid decade of my childhood MDing. I feel like it disconnected me more from my peers, and made so many situations worse for me. I'm glad…"
Oct 8
Mils replied to Yukia's discussion Is it incorrect to recognize Maladaptive Daydreaming as a psychological disorder?
"I always imagined telling people about it, and if I did, I would describe it as a disorder. It feels too light without it, and it's too complicated otherwise. If the conversation continues, I'll elaborate on it further. But for now, this…"
Oct 8
Mils liked Yukia's discussion Is it incorrect to recognize Maladaptive Daydreaming as a psychological disorder?
Oct 8
Mils posted a blog post

33 Days MD-free!

Hey! So by some miracle, I've finally managed to surpass my 14-day-streak of not maladaptive daydreaming. 33 days, woohoo!!! I'm just gonna tell you my thoughts and experiences in dot-points for the sake of time and ease:Despite still having strong urges to do it every now and then, it's starting to repulse me. Thinking about it reminds me of how horrible I would feel about myself after doing it.Even though I have not properly MDed for a month, it's still manifesting in different ways. My mind…See More
Oct 8
Mils commented on Schatten's blog post 8 very long days
"Hey, I'm in the same boat right now. You're doing amazing! 8 days is incredible! What helped me in attempted to rebuild my real life was imagining what I wanted it to look like in 5, 10 years, and it was the opposite of what I daydreamed…"
Oct 8
Mils liked Schatten's blog post 8 very long days
Oct 8
Tiffany Zenhoihsang liked Mils's blog post I could've been someone
Oct 3
lo commented on Mils's blog post I could've been someone
"The most important thing is to be aware, once we reach this stage we can progress. I would say not to put so much pressure on yourself, since regrets should teach us, not eat us away. Writing, breathing exercises, making a list of things you want to…"
Sep 8
Jessica Ballantyne commented on Mils's blog post I could've been someone
"I feel like I daydreamed my 20's and 30's away. It took my attention away from things—friends, experiences, travel, learning, career, family etc. I thought it was a spiritual guide to a bright and happy future. Instead it lead to a…"
Aug 29
Jessica Ballantyne commented on Mils's blog post I could've been someone
"I understand the feeling. I feel like I lost 25 years to daydreaming. If I had problems that I needed to work out, I could've followed people's valuable advice, and worked hard to become a better ME. Instead of daydreaming my head off and…"
Aug 26
Mils liked Lily of the valley's blog post Me and my mind
Aug 24
Mils liked Murilo 's blog post First time here
Aug 24
Mils commented on Schatten's blog post I call it my demon.
"Hey, nice to meet you! I get the part when you can only last a few weeks. It's honestly so disheartening, and it feels like a cycle you can't break. Also I deeply resonate with feeling on a different level to the people around you. It…"
Aug 24

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