I just had my longest streak of not doing it - 3 days! 

I've managed to not let my usual triggers get to me, by either avoiding them or by throwing myself into another thing altogether to distract me. The trigger I'm struggling with is socialising - hanging out with friends and talking seems to have the biggest impact on me. I don't know how to keep it under control, I keep caving. I understand it's triggered because I want to be seen as cool or normal, but I already have friends who accept me and who I'm happy with - why is this still a problem?

Does anyone here have any tips or advice? I'd love to get a second opinion :)

Have a great day!

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Comment by The1andonlyAbber on April 1, 2024 at 2:35pm

Practice, practice, practice! If you keep trying your best, it will get easier. :)

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