Does anybody feel that daydreams Maladjusted their growth and development?

Does anyone feel that daydreams made their growth and development maladjusted to life? If I had known this as a kid, I probably would've stopped on the spot. Everybody my age is way more mature than me, and I blame it on my MD. 

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I don't know about others but, talking about me, yes, it affected me, and even in a high level. Because it made me find a way to escape from all my demons and my problems instead of facing them, something that I'm still doing today in a certain degree.

yes a lot to this day i keep thinking if didn't MD i would have Done and done and that give me depression but if really i didn't have MD wouldn't i be addicted to something else ? from my experience i try to view it as a learning experience and learn from it because it made me found a lot of things that thought i wouldn't have found if i didn't have MD even if you look at you know more successful people you will found problems in them that they are not aware even if it's nt sever as MD so that's my point of view although i get depressed from time to time about the time got and still wasted on MD so yes

Oh my god yes, I've had this exact same experience. It's so crappy, to think I spent a solid decade of my childhood MDing. I feel like it disconnected me more from my peers, and made so many situations worse for me. I'm glad there's other people that understand. I'm curious though, how did it affect your social life? 

It effected everything. I made people feel that I'm not interested in them, and what they have to say. When really, it was vice versa, I may have struggled to stay with them, and they hadn't realized, I was caught in a dream. Next time, when others strike up a conversation, I will definitely not give them that impression and will listen to them carefully, because I want to make friends and start relationships.

When I was a kid, I was too young and stupid to understand, because I didn't socialize. So I never knew how people felt around me, and they didn't speak up, to tell me how they felt. They also insinuated things that were over my head, and I struggled to read emotions. So I never experienced having long term relationships with other people, or long term friends. I had a close friend who explained to what my problem was, like people didn't comprehend what I was babbling about, due to my verbal skills, also I had trouble listening to others. As a conclusion, this greatly impacted my social life. 

Another thing, I wasn't paying attention to information given to me, especially when it came to subjects. Dialogue would go out the other ear, so I wouldn't absorb and learn. So it effected my grades in school. I am very good visually, I can paint amazing works of art all day. But when it comes to facts, I can't take it all in, which is why I suck learning about the world around me...and get into people's profound conversations. So I end up sitting there all quietly at the dinner table. A good trick is to be doing something repetitive, such as drawing or sketching, so I can concentrate better at sounds in the background. Otherwise, if I do nothing, and try my best to listen, it doesn't work so well. 

Lastly, because daydreaming effects my attention span, I cannot drive, and traveling seems like a freaky thought. I haven't visited another country since I was 23, and I always traveled with family. Even being responsible at certain occupations, you do need to be here. Which is why I prefer to work in the office, on a computer. My communication and awareness skills aren't great, and people have noticed. So my employment history really suffered the consequences. 


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