Survey. Gathering Info. on MD PLEASE PARTICIPATE IF U CAN

The reason why im doing this is because MD is very vague. There isn't much info. on it.I want to perhaps do a project on this for my psychology class. Please answer these questions. I apologize beforehand if this is too unprofessional as this is the first time ive done anything like this.

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

-What triggers your MD?

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

To answer my own questions...

I started when I was young. I cant really remember but i think i always had the tendency to daydream.

I'm a very quiet and awkward person. I think the reason why MD is so severe is because of this.

Im probably considered an outcast and a loner.

Im only in highschool but i have somewhat good grades.

Anything. From music to my surrounding ambiance... 

Im good at English, History.

My mind wanders easily.

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-When did you first start experiencing MD?

It started when i was little, probably about 4 or 5.

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

I'm mostly quite quiet, but if i get some sugar and/or alcohol in me i can be loud and very weird.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

In Primary school and Comp I was quite unpopular- I had some friends but i got bullied alot.  Now I'm in college I'm friends with everyone on my course...they all think I'm a bit weird though and they notice when I zone out (to DD).

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

Not really....I didn't get very good results in my GCSEs and I'm having trouble getting a part-time job

-What triggers your MD?

Just sitting there doing nothing- In college, on the bus, lying in bed etc.

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)


-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

My mind wanders alot but I can control my MD sometimes

I first experienced MD as a 5 year old, I remember showing my mom my new-found play tool, a scarf I twirled around in circles with.

My personality is extroverted, and I am extremely competitive and loud.  I am also highly opinionated and a little arrogant as well as achievement oriented.  I am not a very easy person to approach, I'm not particularly nice to people I don't know although I can be extremely helpful because I enjoy being so.  I really enjoy getting very close to people, and I am a very sexual and open person by nature. I'm very outdoorsy, I own and ride horses and walk 4 miles with a friend of mine almost every day.  Jung personality test results are ENFP

In high school I was hated and did not get along very well with most people, but college I was generally well liked, although it took a long time for people to get to know me. 

I am fairly successful, I could be more-so.  I have a good job currently (just graduated college) and I expect to move up in the ranks fairly quickly. 

My MD triggers are being by myself or in my house.  I can never get anything done at home, I would much rather day dream for hours on end. Movies can make it significantly worse, but not always. 

I am proficient in classes that have very little homework and more team-work.  I am best at marketing, business, psychology,  sociology, and anything music related.

It is difficult for me to focus, I generally display ADD like symptoms when it comes to getting distracted very easily. In the classroom, I can focus for up to 2 hours if I don't have a laptop or internet. 

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

i think it started when i was 10/11 , and i have a pretty good idea of what may have caused it...a somewhat traumatic event. ive always loved any form of escapism ever since ( DD'ing, movies, books, music etc)

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

generally quite shy, but when im with friends im hyper and loud. it can take a while for me to feel comfortable around someone new...but i have a good social life.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

im at university, and ive made good friends. im not exactly popular outside my own group of friends, i dont tend to approach people, i wait for people to approach me

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

i got an award for exceptional a-level results at college, but since ive started university, i DD so much to cope with the stress and i will most likely fail my exams next week because i cant concentrate when im trying to revise.

-What triggers your MD?

well i dont always need a trigger, like i DD every night before i sleep, and also in the mornings. and during the day when im bored. if i watch a movie with an interesting scenario i like to DD about it adding my own twist. music is also a trigger depending on the type of song (emotional music mainly).

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

essay based subjects, i have a good memory when im bothered to use it for revision purposes. i absolutely hate maths.

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

veryyy hard to focus, i didnt bother going to most of my lectures this year as i knew i wouldnt be able to concentrate. the lecturer would have to be funny and loud to keep my attention.

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

Hm, I've always been a daydreamer since I was little. But I don't think I started to daydream excessively until middle school.

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

I use to be an extrovert. I'm more reserved now. I went through a change in middle school and became more introverted.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

When I was still in high  school I wasn't popular but I wasn't a nerd either. I was in the group of people who didn't really fit into any  other category so it was a good mix of everything in my group, and we were often looked at as the weird ones or misfits. 

Now I'm going into my third year of college. I hate to admit it but I'm a loner. But that is do to my social anxiety too.

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

No, not really. I mean I'm planning on being the first in the family to finish college but I see myself as pretty average.

-What triggers your MD?

Hm, I'm kinda always in a constant state of daydreaming. But um I'd say definitely movies and books.

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

None? lol I was good in art in high school and could have been good in english but lacked the motivation 

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

yes and some more yes

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

I have done it ever since I can remember.

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

Very shy and very reserved, because I find it so hard to focus and pay attention, which I think caused a delay in my social skills. I do love people and exceitment though, and when I loosen up, I loosen up pretty good! I just don't have much of a sense of self.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

Very awkward and weird. People try to to talk to me all the time, and I just get too nervous, but I do eventually get comfortable with some people. I'm probably seen as reserved or snobby, but I'm really not. Most people that know me like me though, and even people I'm quiet around say I'm really sweet.

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

Not at all. I am not happy with how I live.

-What triggers your MD?

Everything. People, movies, songs, etc. When I have a strong emotional reaction to something that happens, I feel like no one will hear what I have to say so I go into DD mode.

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

Nothing really. I'm okay at English. I have focusing problems

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

Always wandering. Almost physically painful for me to snap out of it

I  have always daydreamed as long as I can remember .

As a person I am very outgoing around people I am  familiar with, but tend to be very quiet around people I don't know.

In school I am generally liked by most, but am still classified as a nerd. Mostly because I am into non popular things and am rather academic.

It seems anything and everything triggers it. Especially music and school.

I am generally good in most subjects and get overall good grades with little to no effort. But I acell in art and music.

My mind wanders extremely easily, and I find it hard to finish tasks in a limited time.

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

I have for aslong as I can remember.

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

Very reserved around people I'm not comfortable with, I sit back and observe people til I get to know them, then I will start to open up.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

When I was in school we all had little groups we hung out with, but useally people would talk to others, and I never did. Everyone not in my group saw me as the kid who didn't talk in school, and just slept all day. (I would put my head down, like I was sleeping, in class and DD.)

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

No, I dropped out of highschool and switched to an alternative. Went there until the year I was suppose to grad. but still fell a few credits short. Now I'm 19 living with my family, no diploma, no job, no license, and no responsibilities. It seems like all I know anymore is DDing.

-What triggers your MD?

Video Games, Movies, T.V., and music. I useally just DD all the time though.

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

Math is the only thing I'm good at, I use my MD to writeout the problem in my head. I am terrible at reading, I can read it out fine, but I don't take in the information. I always start thinking about something else in the middle of reading, and keep reading, I can even read something out loud while thinking of something way different, not knowing what I'm saying at all. So any subjects with reading I failed.

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

I can't focus on anything, even when people are around and I can't DD at all, my mind still wonders all over.

I first starting experience MD when I was like 8-9 years old. I can be a completely outgoing person if I'm around people I know, and sometimes even meeting new people for the first time. Actually, I don't really think I fall into a 'category' in school. In my town, all the 'popular' girls are total whorebags, so I decided I didn't want to be 'popular' a long time ago. People consider me as Gothic, and they don't mean that because I'm 'big-and-bag' or depressed, or suicidal. Nothing like that, Gothic isn't any of that, those are just dumb stereotypes. People consider me as a Goth because of the clothing I wear and the music I listen to. (Within Temptation, Evanescence, Epica, Nightwish.) In real life, I think I'm kind of quiet around people I don't know, but a TOTAL dork and outgoing around my best friends, LOL. I smile all of the time, look for the positives in nearly every situation, and really see things differently than most teenagers my age do.

What triggers my MD is a certain movie, music, or even something that I just see on the street/in public that reminds me of an event that took place in my daydreams or may remind me of a certain character in my daydreams. For school subjects, I'm pretty good at English, German, Writing. Nothing like History, Geography, MATH. *__* They IRRITATE me, haha!! :P

Of all honesty, I act out my daydreams and have to have my mind set to daydream in order to lapse into a good daydream. I mean, sometimes I'll catch myself doing it in public, or sometimes in my bedroom, but most of the time I walk around and mumble and talk in my room. I can pretty much control myself.

This was a great idea for a discussion. Awesome topic and questions; it was really interesting to see what everyone else responded and how it differs from myself.

Hello Sheyenne.  My answers:

1) When did you first start experiencing MD?

I don't really remember but when i was a kid i recall some moments of me DD. But i think is getting plus intense since 6 years.


2) Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

I'm between the two, i feel unconfortable when im around people but when i start talking to them, things get quite ok. But i start to panic when im around like a lot of people. 

3) If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

When i was in high school i was the rebell one with orange hairs and strange clothes. :P I will go to university in a year or so and i'll tell you.


4) Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

 For me success is when you do the things you like to do and for the moment im successful, maybe later it will change.

5) What triggers your MD?

A happy event, a sad event, music, happy and sad mornings...a lot of things.

6) What subjects are you profecient in? 

I'm proeficent in litterature, psychology (from high school) and my favorite contemporary art history and art in general.

7)Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

It depends, but it really rare for me to focus in something for more than 2 hours. But now im experimenting with it..


Good luck with your project Sheyenne. :)

-When did you first start experiencing MD?
Age: 12 (maybe) or younger but I am sue it was during 6 th grade.

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?
I became reserved in 7 th grade but now (11 th ) I am way more outgoing and am becoming more social.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?
I wouldn't say I am popular but I am well liked and am friends with most people who want to be mine.

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?
DD has sent me in a rut and because if it I have fail bad with academics but now I have turned into an A student due to my will and goals I have.

-What triggers your MD?
When things go bad, music, or movie/show scene. Also inspiration.

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)
-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?
Yes very much so but I am trying to control it.

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

When I was 13 or 14 years old

-Describe your personality, are you  outgoing person or reserved?

very shy, quiet, hate being in public and like to be on my own most of the time.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

no, not at all.

-What triggers your MD?

lying down triggers my DD, and stress because I just want to get away from my problems

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

At school I was good at I.T, History I think that's all

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

yes I find it hard to focus and because of DD I end up doing stuff wrong or just doing stupid stuff

Hope this helps

-When did you first start experiencing MD?

The earliest I can remember is in primary 2 when I was 6.

-Describe your personality, are you outgoing person or reserved?

I'm quite reserved and thoughtful I guess. I'm not usually too talkative, rather waiting to be spoken to than to speak.

-If your still in school what is your social status are you looked upon as a nerd or are you popular and well liked?

At school people are generally puzzled by me. I stand out a bit due to my obvious neurotypical differences and my appearances. I'm quite intelligent and hold good grades so people look at me as a nerd.

-Do you describe yourself as successful in real life?

Successful? I can usually do work successfully, it's just very trying due to my mental state {I'm assuming this what you meant}

-What triggers your MD?

Music and free time

-What subjects are you profecient in? (Math, English, History...)

I'm in the top level for my year {Top is Credit, then General and then Foundation} for Maths, English, History and Chemistry.

-Do you find it hard to focus or does your mind easily wander?

-My mind definitely wandered a lot. It's annoying a lot as it can affect my school work.


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