No idea how to explain this, but I'm going to try to the best my ability.

I don't really put myself into my daydreams, but more like I create a character and put a few of my typical thought processes in them. I use this character to interact and observe the one I've created as the sole focus of the daydream. 

I've heard of a lot of people having themselves as the main person in their fantasies, like, a tweaked or perfected version. The person who I kind of live through doesn't really even have that much in common with me, and isn't the character that I feel attached to, or "love", but more like a vessel I use to act out affection towards the "main" character. 

Not sure, I actually find it kind of strange that I'm not really included in my own fantasy world.

How are the dynamics of the relationships in your daydreams?

Sorry if this has been posted before, I just joined and lurked a little bit and didn't catch it, sooo.


Also, kind of unrelated, but does anyone else change their gender in daydreams?

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I think you explained that pretty well, actually! My main daydream sounds exactly like yours. I don't put myself in my daydream either. I just watch my imaginary characters interact. However, I tend to pick a certain point of view, like I'm experiencing the events through one of my main characters, and I'm using him to interact with everyone else. When he is asleep or unconscious, I switch to the point of view of a different character, who is typically his partner.


I try to become "one" with my characters to make them feel as real as possible, like by sharing the same emotions and sensations (pain, coldness, etc). In a way, they're like versions of myself, even though we have nothing in common. They're gay men, and I'm a straight girl, after all. Lol!

Holy crap. Same here, with everything you said. I don't really remember when I switched my daydream to a world where the characters were gay, but I was very, very young. Now I have about four different worlds (two very elaborate, the others more lax) and three of them involve gay characters, the other no romantic relationships at all. 

I also do this thing where I pretend to be the characters sometimes. Say what they would say, pick out an outfit based on their tastes, and if I'm bummed about class that day I'll just pretend that I'm them sitting in class, and observe people around me from their view to entertain myself. Totally weird, but it makes everything more fun. My best friend is starting to pick up on it, though, haha.

Wow, cool! I'm curious to know what your elaborate daydreams are about. Mine are like soap operas, lol. They tend to focus on health and psychological issues.


I remember when I started daydreaming about gay characters. I was like 14 years old when my yaoi-obsessed friend corrupted my innocence. Lol joking. But she really got me into it, starting with her Gravitation manga. Next thing I knew, it was KyoxYuki, HarryxDraco, and then I made up my own gay characters.


Haha, that sounds like fun. I don't exactly pretend to be my characters in that way, but I'll try to look at things from their view. Like when I'm driving on the freeway, I'll pretend that my character is at the wheel, making all the judgments. I think about his thoughts in first person, like: I'm going to pick up Dan from work and we'll go out for dinner. I should give him a call when I get closer. Or something like that! I wouldn't dare say it out loud's usually sitting next to me, lol.

Two of them are very action-thriller based and the laws of the world are alternate universe-y, but the one that I just seem to slip into at random times during the day is sort of like a soap opera, but minus like 90% of the drama. I imagine these people doing very monotonous things, like making dinner and shit, haha, weird. Probably because I'm a very anxious person and ideally for me things are calm. There is a reoccurring theme of psychological issues in mine, as well.

Lol! Gravitation is still my guilty pleasure, so cute. I remember being like nine, and totally obsessed with an anime, Yu Yu Hakushow (still love it, dat nostalgia) and I think it just happened by accident because I preferred the male characters.

I have a roommate, who fortunately is my best friend. She doesn't know about the MD (I mean, I just found out there was a name for it two days ago) but I eventually could tell her. She's used to me rocking back and forth like a maniac and making faces, that's all I'll ask her to deal with for now, haha. 


Action-thriller? With gay characters? That must be epic! Heh, when I get overwhelmed by the drama, I daydream about those little monotonous things too. Such as my characters cuddling and falling asleep. The sad thing is I could daydream about that for hours and never get bored...when I'm in the mood. xD


Oh I loved Yu Yu Hakusho!  I even had a sexy poster of Kurama on my bedroom door. When it stopped airing on Toonami or Adult Swim (can't remember which), I would stay up till 5am just to catch it. Unfortunately, I never did see the ending... And have you gotten into other yaoi manga/anime? To be honest, I've become disenchanted with yaoi in those mediums. The relationships always seem forced and unnatural. I can't say it's much better for the straight couples either, with harem being the dominant excuse for romance. Yuri on the other good! (yeah...maybe I take things a little too seriously!)


It's awesome that you could tell your best friend, and that she's cool with it. I have a strong hunch that my yaoi-obsessed friend has MD. She was my best friend until college. Sadly, we haven't talked in a year, but I still bet that she has it! Lol.

I never appear in my daydreams either.  I tend to have, like you, a main character who's more observed from a distance by other characters instead of being the point-of-view character themselves.  The relationships between my characters tend to be really complicated and weird, and since most of them have little pieces of myself in them, I feel like that probably represents me trying to work out issues within myself. 


I don't necessarily change genders per se, since I myself don't appear in the daydreams, but I often have male characters who represent a significant part of myself.  Do you?

Hahaha, I'm the same with being able to go for hours daydreaming about lame-o small things. It's usually the only way I can get to sleep. 

I don't think the anime actually ended? I can't remember, the manga got intense though. It's been a long time since I've gotten really into a manga or anime series. I don't have a tv and just discovered a site to watch a butt-ton of anime on, so that'll change, haha.

I'm currently reading a manga called Humonculous that I am absolutely in love with, but it hardly ever updates. 3: Typical relationships in anime/manga drive me crazy, so I lean more toward action/horror types.

Dudeeee. Recomend me yuri, pleaseee, I haven't read or watched any.

I think my friend actually has it to, haha. She's an obsessive roleplayer who is constantly talking/thinking about her character. At least she has a creative outlet.

Laila said:

Action-thriller? With gay characters? That must be epic! Heh, when I get overwhelmed by the drama, I daydream about those little monotonous things too. Such as my characters cuddling and falling asleep. The sad thing is I could daydream about that for hours and never get bored...when I'm in the mood. xD


Oh I loved Yu Yu Hakusho!  I even had a sexy poster of Kurama on my bedroom door. When it stopped airing on Toonami or Adult Swim (can't remember which), I would stay up till 5am just to catch it. Unfortunately, I never did see the ending... And have you gotten into other yaoi manga/anime? To be honest, I've become disenchanted with yaoi in those mediums. The relationships always seem forced and unnatural. I can't say it's much better for the straight couples either, with harem being the dominant excuse for romance. Yuri on the other good! (yeah...maybe I take things a little too seriously!)


It's awesome that you could tell your best friend, and that she's cool with it. I have a strong hunch that my yaoi-obsessed friend has MD. She was my best friend until college. Sadly, we haven't talked in a year, but I still bet that she has it! Lol.

I always, always represent the aspects of myself through a man. It's been like that ever since I can remember. 
Other characters are always very different from me, I think I do this as a way to observe/teach myself how to handle when real people act different. Suspecting that my daydreaming is like, a video on how to appear normal. Like, I teach myself wich situations call for me to be angry or sad, and work out through my characters how they display these feelings, so if something happens in real life I can copy their behaviors and no one notices I'm somewhat of an emotionless robot.

I like what you said about working out issues in yourself, I've never thought about that before and should probably start observing that a little more closely.

Alex Snow said:

I never appear in my daydreams either.  I tend to have, like you, a main character who's more observed from a distance by other characters instead of being the point-of-view character themselves.  The relationships between my characters tend to be really complicated and weird, and since most of them have little pieces of myself in them, I feel like that probably represents me trying to work out issues within myself. 


I don't necessarily change genders per se, since I myself don't appear in the daydreams, but I often have male characters who represent a significant part of myself.  Do you?

I'm almost never in my own daydreams, either. Like Alex Snow, I tend to give each character a fragment of myself and then try to breathe as much individuality into them as possible. Some archetypes seem to pop up in most of the little story lines I make and trust always seems to play a major role in character interaction. As far as vantage point or p.o.v in my daydreams, it really depends on the story. I had one that I worked on and off for 4 or 5 years, and I tended to flip through mini arcs for each of the major characters. Other ideas tend to focus on a few, and more as an observer.
I think I may do something similar. The "me" in my daydreams is not really me ( different personality, different name, different story ) but I feel that the "me" who is the false person is the me I am in the real world. Sorry if this very confusing.
I always put myself into the daydream. because who else could I be but myself?
"breathe as much individuality into them as possible"
Nailed it on the head there, man. Sometimes my characters do things I might not even like that much, haha. The main one died his hair the other day, looks terrible. I also go through like, story archs. Sometimes I'll spend a day in like, a flashback part of one or something, if that makes any sense. 
Ashley N. said:
I'm almost never in my own daydreams, either. Like Alex Snow, I tend to give each character a fragment of myself and then try to breathe as much individuality into them as possible. Some archetypes seem to pop up in most of the little story lines I make and trust always seems to play a major role in character interaction. As far as vantage point or p.o.v in my daydreams, it really depends on the story. I had one that I worked on and off for 4 or 5 years, and I tended to flip through mini arcs for each of the major characters. Other ideas tend to focus on a few, and more as an observer.


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