Dear daydreamers of Wild Minds!

I've been already discussing this topic with some of my friends here and now I'd love to hear everyone's opinions and experiences.

We speak a lot about MD being a way to escape the reality. Some people mentioned as a common positive effect that it helps them in their creativity.

However I've noticed that I put it into use into different ways. For me, daydreaming has a motivating power at times.

I'll give you a couple of examples. Sometimes I get triggered by a certain book or game or movie. It might be that I find a certain character appealing, or the setting, or a storyline. I can't stop daydreaming about that, but it boosts my general mood in life and makes me more energetic and active, and people notice that I smile and laugh more, lol.

A more prominent effect is. I often incorporate daydreams into my work and studies. Like I don't just study or work, I do it cause I have a super mission, which usually has to do with my current daydreaming obsession. I imagine myself in that setting, surrounded by my characters, and I'm also not me but another character. I imagine dialogues we have, working on the project together, etc. And it usually makes me very motivated and excited.

So, does anyone else have anything of this kind?

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it's something that i still learning about i have it momentarily but it takes a lot of energy to just have momentarily push

i want to add a question to this discussion how we should keep our self motivated especially for MDers i am really interested  for this conversation hopefully more people give more input on this

Yes, my daydreams have a variety of positive effects on my life. They make me happier and keep me entertained. I also sort of incorporate my daydreams in my daily life, and they often make me feel less alone.

Cool! Ironically, when I play videogames, I usually stay concentrated, unless is something really easy or laidback, in that I case I daydream also here. The only ways in which I interact with my characters is because I'm deluding to be their tour guide (I work as such) in one of my tours and interact with them during my guided tours.

Basically mines are just delusions that brings nothing of constructive to me.

I'm really glad that you can turn them in something so positive and constructive for you, wish I can do the same...


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