I stopped being active with maladaptive daydreaming years back. I have crucial responsibilities, try to stay away and concentrate, but notice that I suddenly wonder off and my eyes go dazed for a minute or so. This happens when I'm chill and during an stress-free time. Family and friends have made remarks that I look like my mind is somewhere else. I'm not sure though, it's more like I zone out. I'm trying to seek employment, but so afraid that when I start a new gig, someone will notice my eyes! Maybe even my frozen state. Unless the job is remote. 

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LOL. When we started talking I thought you were a young lady. 

oh no i specifically set my profile to show my gender because i knew this confusion would happen

although to be honest it shouldn't matter what my gender is i may be hide it and let the mastery goes 😈

God. My dad has a bone to pick with me. We have weekly chats about where I'm at, my progress. I always tell him I'm doing everything I can be up to par with employment. The job market is slow, for some unexplained reason. So I have to contact all the private and government agencies, talk to all the recruiters and headhunters. Make lots of noise. Dad is getting back to me in a week for updates on what I did. It seems, applying is not getting me far. 

I don't understand today's society. I really don't. What happened? I think it's odd you apply for anything, and it's not that easy to get attention. In the old days, that wasn't so hard. 

yes the market is different and the requirement is changing very fast

if i may say a advice it something i am saying to myself try always to learn new stuff in your major not just applying for jobs try motion graphics with other suggestion i said don't give up always work on yourself until you got good opportunity   and if you got rejected try to peruse them to tell you  why they rejected you

try to join contests too it doesn't hurt to be competitive in your major

try to understand what the company  want

i rally wish the best i can relate a lot the only thing we can do is keep moving

On a personal note, I'm thinking I would've been much better off, if I hadn't started MD in the first place. 

Of course but no body is perfect even people who doesn't have MD tyey maybe have something else sometimes they wouldn't be aware of it at least i am aware of my problem my regret is that i
Should start fighting it earlier but i didn't have the knowledge i have now

I stopped MD, I'm fine now. But it's like, I wasn't ever paying attention, or I didn't care, because I lived in my head. And everything almost went downhill. 

Everything is fixable don't give up on your self
Hopefully one day i would be able to stop it too

I made many mistakes in my life, which I'll certainly try not to do again. I should've done everything vice versa, but I was stubborn. 

Are you a morning person? I find it harder to get flowing at 8:00 am than I do at noon. I find getting up hurts. Of course I'm years older than you. 

It's way of the life we always would do mistakes it's how we learn
My sleep cycle is chaotic i sometimes wake up early sometime i am night person but the getting up thing dpend about my psychological stat and how much i am tierd sometimes if i am very depressed i can't get up ..... But it's something it can be taught we can for example do exercise, take care of ourselves, have healthy diet ... Etc.

I looked at my peers and friends, and they are actually living their lives. They look so awesome on social media. 


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