I have daydreamed my whole life, and it has made me underachieve so much. If I could focus for even a few minutes I could actually accomplish things but I can't even do that. I waste so much time daydreaming. It has made me so miserable, and I hate it. I have daydreamed today for probably around 3-3.5 hrs alone. I am going to keep myself accountable through this forum and post daily about how much I have daydreamed. Ideally I just keep getting better slowly and through time I will decrease my daydream time.

If you have any tips or words of advice that would be great. 

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Day 23: It is always a struggle, but that's why I need to quit.

Day 24, 25, and 26: It is a challenge every day, but that is a part of it. Daydreaming has never once helped me.

Day 27: Progress is made each and every day. No matter what. It must be done.

Day 28: One step forward. That's all that matters.

Keep going :)

How's progress? I see you keep a daily log. 

Day 29: Almost at a month of making a daily effort to stop daydreaming. Progress is all that matters.

Day 30: Getting my day started as fast as possible is the only way to prevent the daydreams.

Congrats ! it's been 30 days! 

I don't wish to side track you, but I've found something useful. Instead of full blown Md I've started doing realistic Md. The condition is I have to imagine myself in my dreams just the way I am in reality.  i.e. my imaginary self = my real self. So I imagine myself in all these scenario and realize there's so much to learn, so much to do, in order to survive or do well in those scenarios. This motivates me to make progress in reality. 

My imaginary self is very motivated and skilled person. I always imagined I did this, learned that, achieved this. 

Instead now I imagine what would it look like if I stop procrastinating and write the first line of that assignment. I won't imagine that I have completed it. Coz that would give me satisfaction and I won't do it irl. So I focus on just the 1st line. 

What would it be like if I took my fitness more seriously. If I start  learning to do better social interactions. Just the start. That's what my real self can do right now. Just start. I can't imagine I finished doing these things. 

It's sort of like doing visualization instead of Md

Day 31: One month done! More to go, but I am proud of myself for making an effort for this long. It has not been easy, and I still have a long way to go but it is a start.

Day 32: Another day to get better.

Day 33: Just got to keep starting my days as quickly as possible.


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