I know some -or most- of You including me , Really want to stop this D*** disorder .

I tried a lot of times and i failed just like most of the members here .

 I think we fail because each body works a lone and on his own way .

So , what about working together , suggesting Ideas and all of us work on it on the same time and report our achievements , so we Encourage ourselves to Stop MD. knowing that you are not suffering alone may help you to stand it tell we get rid of it -of course if u want- .

We can set Targets , deadlines, certain hours , writing task , creativity task , funny tasks like : MDD about telling jokes LOL !

Anybody has any suggestion ,Plz don't hesitate to add it . it's not enough to read the post and the comments , you really have to participate if u need to Stop DD

Who knows ???...We can find a Cure for this Curse ....a behavioral Cure .

So anybody wants to share me??

Let's Beat it !!!

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Recently, I managed to stop day dreaming all together. I haven't even had any urge to day dream since this incident. I don't know if what I did would work for everyone, but it certainly worked for me. I've always daydreamed about one main character. She's been a constant companion in my life since I was seven. I was sick of dealing with daydreaming, so I killed her. In a daydream, I killed her off like an author would to a character. It was one of the most painful and difficult things I've ever done. And since then, I've been feeling pretty depressed and empty and hollow and lost. I think it's just the sudden loss of my only childhood friend and my constant companion. But I haven't day dreamed or even wanted to daydream since then, and that was about a week ago.

Count me in. First, I believe MD is a less severe form of Schizophrenia. That being said, I've been doing a lot of research on Schizo disorders since it's better known. What I found to be useful is; spending more time with real people, less time with things that take you away from reality (tv, drugs...spending too much time alone). My goal last week was to complete my daily 5 mile hike every morning without skipping a day. Usually my characters take over and cause me to feel discouraged in the morning when its time to go. They want me to spend all my time with them. Very controlling they are. However, I've had victory over them. This morning marked day 9 of my hikes and I feel healthier than ever. As a kid (pre MD)I loved physical activity and with more physical activity in my life I feel alive again. I've also been visiting my sister and going out with her. We really enjoy ourselves. For me, the most helpful thing has been communicating with real people and ignoring my characters no matter how tempting they become. Tomorrow it may snow here in Dayton so, I likely wont do the hike and my sister lives 20 miles away...if the roads are too bad I may stay inside. This will make things harder because my characters will try to occupy my alone time. I will have to find something to do. I play piano but sometimes that actually triggers daydreaming. I'll see how bad the snow is tomorrow and decide whether I'll hike or not. It's a great distraction because the hike usually takes me almost 2 and a half hours. After I'm done hiking I shower, I feel energized, I want to go out, I get on the phone, I go out and chill with people, talk philosophy, conspiracies, theories, politics, wars...all kinds of things that have nothing to do with these characters I've created. At the end of the day I'm tired. Basically the hikes cause a chain reaction of things that distract me from engaging in activity with my characters.

great idea, think it always helps to share techniques and strategies, different things may work for different people. But it is always so useful to flush these things out into the open.

Luna : that's Good way I hope it helps anybody read this discssion and am really happy for you , but for me I'm the main character of my DD . So it would be hard killing me :D . I'm glade for your reply =)
Lauren : I don't know what tosay or how to Start.

When I saw your reply I was just as hopless as I was , I did not feel any better for me doing any sport except the gym which helps me a lot to DD.

Few years ago I wished to learn how to ride hourses and I dded about it a lot of times :( without trying to ride any hourse.

2 days ago I was out and I passed by horsing club near my place, usually I don't pay it attention but this time I thought about ur reply , about that hiking thing.

I went Directly to the Club , I was too excitetd when I saw the horses and the riders..... I spent the whole day DDing about being a champion LoL :D

Yasterday , it was my first class , it seemed to be fool and I dded while I was on the horse , I was afraid to be a trriger Then....something strange happened !!! I felt like I'm breathing , I w anted to change , I felt I wanted to stop dding , I wanted to change ,I felt alive , I felt like I want to focus and just focus in what am doing , I did concentrate with my trainer and my hourse. I asked my trainer to move to z next step I made the hourse jog lol , small run the class ended

I went back to home feeling alive , exhausted and happy !!! I was happy for not DDing and for Overcoming the desire to DD.

..I went to my family gathering with much confidence , enthusiasm and ability to talk to everybody looking in their eyes , moving around with my coffe without feeling awwkwrd

Today I DDed for about 10 mins when I figured out that I'm dding I stoped . The desire went immediately .

Idk whether it's the effect of oxygen in our brains or the confidence we get from those sports or fEeling exahusted makes our brains don't want't to DD but what I do know is to Thank u Very much for your reply , you turned my life in few days , I really don't know how to thank You , I could have been passing by this horsing club without even thinking to get in . I really feel good and I'm going to move on . I'll keep u updated.

Good luck with your hiking , hope u r doing well. I'm glade that u overcoming this thing :)
Faye : hope u share some techniques with us , and read our experiences .

I'm on anti depressant but it doesn't help my DD it helps with the deppresion I used to get after dd . I don't advice u to be on one.

I tried to focus while reading out load and watching tvs but it didn't help.

Having something meaningful like a dream soprt I mentioned in the last reply , gave me the will and the power to stop .
Good luck faye , hope to hear from u :)

That's freaking awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and if you can, you should try to meet new people instead of creating new ones. Go for real experiences vs creating fantasy versions of real experiences. Go for surprises instead of the rigged version of things in mind.  I've also tried killing my characters as Luna suggested but I'm so used to resorting to this activity that my characters easily resurrect themselves. The only way I beat them is by engaging in activity that is more interesting than they are. Any activity that will keep you in reality and interacting with REAL people is good. I'm so afraid of horses so bravo for you. I rode a horse once when I was 3 and it traumatized me. Not that the horse was doing anything wrong, it's just I was a little brat. As soon as it got to trotting speed I wanted my mom.lmao

I did do my hike that day because it didn't snow and, as always, it set off a chain reaction of other activities. I hung out with my sister and some of her friends and we watched "The Hangover 3" which had us in tears laughing. I didn't daydream at all that day but, the next day, later that night I daydreamed for maybe 15-20 minutes and then I became bored with it. I just went to sleep.lol

yoya yoya said:

Lauren : I don't know what tosay or how to Start.

When I saw your reply I was just as hopless as I was , I did not feel any better for me doing any sport except the gym which helps me a lot to DD.

Few years ago I wished to learn how to ride hourses and I dded about it a lot of times :( without trying to ride any hourse.

2 days ago I was out and I passed by horsing club near my place, usually I don't pay it attention but this time I thought about ur reply , about that hiking thing.

I went Directly to the Club , I was too excitetd when I saw the horses and the riders..... I spent the whole day DDing about being a champion LoL :D

Yasterday , it was my first class , it seemed to be fool and I dded while I was on the horse , I was afraid to be a trriger Then....something strange happened !!! I felt like I'm breathing , I w anted to change , I felt I wanted to stop dding , I wanted to change ,I felt alive , I felt like I want to focus and just focus in what am doing , I did concentrate with my trainer and my hourse. I asked my trainer to move to z next step I made the hourse jog lol , small run the class ended

I went back to home feeling alive , exhausted and happy !!! I was happy for not DDing and for Overcoming the desire to DD.

..I went to my family gathering with much confidence , enthusiasm and ability to talk to everybody looking in their eyes , moving around with my coffe without feeling awwkwrd

Today I DDed for about 10 mins when I figured out that I'm dding I stoped . The desire went immediately .

Idk whether it's the effect of oxygen in our brains or the confidence we get from those sports or fEeling exahusted makes our brains don't want't to DD but what I do know is to Thank u Very much for your reply , you turned my life in few days , I really don't know how to thank You , I could have been passing by this horsing club without even thinking to get in . I really feel good and I'm going to move on . I'll keep u updated.

Good luck with your hiking , hope u r doing well. I'm glade that u overcoming this thing :)

@yoya yoya

Glad you had a positive experience, I used to horse ride in my teens regularly and still I Dded about doing it better (champion show jumping!) . I think for me its less about the activity but more about the enhanced sense of self/ happiness/ excitement etc. that one gets from MDing. And its more about the need to escape my current feelings/ situation. As soon as there is some degree of "unpleasantness" it triggers me into DD (this usually means when I'm feeling scared, worried, anxious depressed etc.). 

Like you, I was on prescription anti-depressants, but have since transitioned into over the counter anti-depressants. They also didn't help much with the DD per se. I've also tried to focus on enhancing the skills that I fantasize about in reality. I mean if I'm going to spend this much time DDing about it, why not rather invest in improving those skills in real life, where they have real returns. 

The condition has fluctuated throughout my life, from severe to minimal. At my absolute worse I would literally DD behind closed doors all day for weeks on end. Even when socializing with people and in the middle of conversations my mind would be split and I'd be dding right in front of them! (yes have been called out a couple of times for my weird facial expressions and laughed at etc.)

These days I find that regulating my emotions (particularly the bad ones) helps to a certain degree. I try mindfulness meditation and breathing techniques to keep myself grounded in the present. I try to stay away from caffeine and lack of sleep because these are "sub-triggers" (usually bought on by stress). For the past couple of weeks I've dded a lot less of course not every day is as successful as I want it to be. Its like two steps forward one step back...

I've been feeling alot of sadness and depression, because less DD means more in the present, and I have to deal with the unhappy/ upsetting feelings that I am trying to disassociate from. I try to ease my way into these feelings naming and acknowledging them. I also try "bringing myself back" through smelling something strong and distinct. Like menthol or a specific perfume.

My daydreams are based mainly on me and people/ acquaintances I know and have met, but in better more desirable fantasy scenarios, I also try to make myself notice why I DD in this way. Did I want more attention from this person/ group of people, did I want to be more admired by more desirable versions of my friends etc? And I often ask myself why it is  and address the feelings that triggered these DDs.

Let me know if any of you can relate to this?

update :

i joined dance classes hip hop and zumba :D , it was really fun and i think i'm going to rock one day . of course it's a great trigger . but this time i acted differently and i kept  telling my self i'm here to learn Dancing in reality and i concentrated on socializing .

people where nice actually, however i felt a little bit shy. i knew few god ppl who took my no. to call me for a bollwyood dance or that indian fusion as it's not common in my country. they r supposed to call me this week end ^_^

i went to another horsing class , i did well i felt too exhusted too DD i felt reslly great.

today i was alone at home , i catched myself dding and i couldn't stop it but i'm trying to be busy as much as i can

Faye said:

@yoya yoya

Glad you had a positive experience, I used to horse ride in my teens regularly and still I Dded about doing it better (champion show jumping!) . I think for me its less about the activity but more about the enhanced sense of self/ happiness/ excitement etc. that one gets from MDing. And its more about the need to escape my current feelings/ situation. As soon as there is some degree of "unpleasantness" it triggers me into DD (this usually means when I'm feeling scared, worried, anxious depressed etc.). 

Like you, I was on prescription anti-depressants, but have since transitioned into over the counter anti-depressants. They also didn't help much with the DD per se. I've also tried to focus on enhancing the skills that I fantasize about in reality. I mean if I'm going to spend this much time DDing about it, why not rather invest in improving those skills in real life, where they have real returns. 

The condition has fluctuated throughout my life, from severe to minimal. At my absolute worse I would literally DD behind closed doors all day for weeks on end. Even when socializing with people and in the middle of conversations my mind would be split and I'd be dding right in front of them! (yes have been called out a couple of times for my weird facial expressions and laughed at etc.)

These days I find that regulating my emotions (particularly the bad ones) helps to a certain degree. I try mindfulness meditation and breathing techniques to keep myself grounded in the present. I try to stay away from caffeine and lack of sleep because these are "sub-triggers" (usually bought on by stress). For the past couple of weeks I've dded a lot less of course not every day is as successful as I want it to be. Its like two steps forward one step back...

I've been feeling alot of sadness and depression, because less DD means more in the present, and I have to deal with the unhappy/ upsetting feelings that I am trying to disassociate from. I try to ease my way into these feelings naming and acknowledging them. I also try "bringing myself back" through smelling something strong and distinct. Like menthol or a specific perfume.

My daydreams are based mainly on me and people/ acquaintances I know and have met, but in better more desirable fantasy scenarios, I also try to make myself notice why I DD in this way. Did I want more attention from this person/ group of people, did I want to be more admired by more desirable versions of my friends etc? And I often ask myself why it is  and address the feelings that triggered these DDs.

Let me know if any of you can relate to this?

yes faye : of course i do relate. Last year was my Top year of DDing , i suffered all of what u've said .

i tried meditaion and yoga but it didn't work with me .

for me yes in my DDs i used to seek the attention of everybody,being popular and i think that what i anted in reality and couldn't had.

but when i realized that i had wasted a lot of time 13 years dding abou the samething and didn't achieve any i wanted really to stop . that made me serach the internet and find this site.

the willing to stop for me was and still much greater than the willing to attract the attention at east for now . i think that's helping too much to stop ...just the Will .

try through ur meditation imagining how ur life could be without dding , how u can achieve what u dd about in reality . have faith in ur self , in God , have the will . be busy , distract yourself , try to socialize . find something intersting to do and maybe attracting attention with like shuffling or hiphop :D and u'll get over it i hope.

Good luck and keep me updated

Lauren : i'm sorry for your bad experience with horses but they are really Cute :D :D , try again i bet they are much nicer than before . happy u did the hiking . i'm afraid of it LOOL . take care while u do that :D .

i was busy with my bob corn when i watched hangover 3 :D so glad u did :D . i'm going to watch it again of course .

don't worry about this DDs , keep going on we will insist tell we get rid of it :D Good luck .

So you're afraid of hiking and I'm afraid of horses. I'll likely try again someday but with someone who's willing to show me how to ride.  I heard a horse's kick can kill a person. So, I definitely want someone who handles horses to be with me. Well, today I didn't do the hike but, I took the postal exam for USPS and I think I did really good. It tests the ability to see errors in addresses, MEMORY and a few other things. Hopefully I get hired. I feel that I'm ready for work. The results are mailed out and they say I should get it by Friday. Wish me luck! And Hangover 3 is hilarious, especially where Alan meets his soulmate in the pawnshop in Vegas. I couldn't stop laughing at the awkward silence, the lollipop thing.lmao Anyway speaking of movies, I'm watching one now on my computer. It's not as funny though. It's A Beautiful Mind. I listen to Stephan Molyneux every once in a while on Freedomain Radio. In one of his broadcasts How To Find A Great Therapist he referenced the move A Beautiful Mind. I had never seen it so I watched it and the main character's condition reminds me of us. He was a schizophrenic, however. Towards the end he was more of a daydreamer because he was aware that his characters were fake and could tell fantasy from reality. He missed talking to some of them but made himself ignore them. He ended winning the Noble Peace Prize and some other great awards but, most importantly, his family stood by him the whole time. It's a pretty inspiring movie.

yoya yoya said:

Lauren : i'm sorry for your bad experience with horses but they are really Cute :D :D , try again i bet they are much nicer than before . happy u did the hiking . i'm afraid of it LOOL . take care while u do that :D .

i was busy with my bob corn when i watched hangover 3 :D so glad u did :D . i'm going to watch it again of course .

don't worry about this DDs , keep going on we will insist tell we get rid of it :D Good luck .


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