Do many of you feel off beat or awkward in a social environment?  EG bars, wedding receptions, dance balls, etc.  I can't honestly say all those things are my cup of tea.

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Comment by Soul Dreamer on May 31, 2013 at 5:08am

Ah, socialising. I really am terrible at this. I don't mind being around people, a group of any size, but I usually prefer more people so no one notices how little I actually say. I just can't talk very well. I mess up my words so bad that I end up sounding worse than Yoda from Star Wars.

Comment by Rick on May 23, 2013 at 12:32pm

LaSerena, i agree.  I feel somewhat deaf in social environments as well.  I wonder why that is?  Could it be because half our minds are somewhere else, making listening more difficult?  

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on May 21, 2013 at 10:39pm

I don't like large groups of people. I do not like social situations where there is likely to be a lot of smalltalk.  Seriously, why do people smalltalk so much? I'd much rather deeper discussions, but it's kind of difficult to find a stranger willing to do the same, especially when I don't want to go up and talk to them.

(Also, I do not dance. I do not dance.)

Comment by ashlee on May 16, 2013 at 7:48pm


Comment by K. Pow on May 16, 2013 at 12:18pm
I've noticed it more and more as I've gotten older. Maybe I'm just an awkward high school student, but sometimes I think the MD has hurt my social skills.
Comment by KwanKwan on May 14, 2013 at 2:43pm

I cant be in a group outside of school with more than 4 people. It's unbearable. Like once there's 6 people in the group I get so self conscious. 

Comment by jonathan richard chilson on May 13, 2013 at 3:25pm

Im a little like  Atrocious_B but im able to hold a coversation with people I dont know so long as it isent drawn out and the person dosent do anything offencive. If they do I have to reactions either they are ignored untill the end of time itself or I am literally forced to get alonge with them. (About the only person who can do that is my mom and she even finds it tuff) or the way i talk starts to become really iratating and patronising without any mental effort on my part. (I serosly wont even notice it untill there really P.Oed) So in the end I just desided to keep even that to minumum.

Comment by LostSoul99 on May 11, 2013 at 8:33pm

It depends for me actually. I don't mind being in a social area with friends I feel absolutely comfortable with or just by myself.  As for weddings, it depends on a lot of things. Like it depends whether there would be too many people that I know that are going or not. If there are too many people that I know are going and I have to socialize with them, most likely I wouldn't want to go at all. But if it's just that an intimate friend is going or if nobody at all is going but my family, and I don't have to sociallize, I just can relax and observe and enjoy what happens during the wedding, I really don't mind. But the thing with me is there are moments where I could be social but with me being a highly sensitive person, I don't know if many of you heard the term, I hate being around people that I've known all my life but aren't close with at a deeper level. But I have no problem being around people I don't know as long as I haven't formed a bad or really good opinion about them. Really good as in if I see someone and something about them is so great that it makes me feel inferior, I tend to not want to be around that person even though I like them. LOL It's weird I know but that's the truth. So it really depends. But I find that sometimes, I need a new environment and new people. Am I socially awkward? Sometimes but it depends on the situation itself. 

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on May 11, 2013 at 1:36pm

I would hope your boyfriend is smart and fond of you, too!  I guess when there's a difference like that it depends on who feels it more strongly.  Is his desire to go stronger or your desire not to go?  

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on May 11, 2013 at 12:21pm

I avoid social situations at all cost.  I don't even pretend to like them.  Anyone who knows me knows I don't like them and isn't offended by that.  Anette, I got out of going to a friend's wedding by simply telling the truth....that I was uncomfortable in social situations.  He wasn't offended.  

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