Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I'm just wondering about everyone's religion, don't feel obligated to share, just curious if it has any impact on daydreaming and your lives. I was raised Christian but for awhile I struggled with my belief and definitely lost it for awhile. However, this last year has strengthened my faith and I've realized actual reasons why I believe, not just believing because it's how I was raised. It's been interesting, trying to regain it, and it's a journey that I don't intend to take lightly but one that I am taking with an optimistic and confidant outlook. However, I do remain openminded to other views and sincerely try to be objective in my opinions. My religion isn't something that I feel the need to shout out to other people; I consider it a personal thing that I generally only talk about if asked.
In regards to my daydreams, some of my characters don't have religion but others do, so I wouldn't say that it has an impact on my daydreams persay. It's strange though, because religion is a comfort to many, with God being someone that people can turn to in times of distress, yet I turn to daydreams. I think it just relates to the level of comfort, since I'm completely comfortable with my daydreams, yet religion is a new hike to me again and therefore I'm trodding along delicately.
I'm just curious as to your guy's influence of religion in your lives. We all know daydreaming has a huge impact on us and is a significant part of our lives, but how about religion? Does it have any, a mild, or a major influence? Does it affect your daydreams in any way? Has your view been changed at all?
NOTE: I would like this to please be a friendly blog. I realize that religion is a complicated discussion, but we're all mature here and I would hope that we can respect other's views and accept them with openmindedness. Please do not make any direct comments against any particular group, just share your own personal experience if you see fit. If this blog does become heated in any way, I will remove it out of consideration for people's feelings. Thanks =)
Hello there. I'm brand-new to this site, but "recognized" myself immediately. <grin>
One of the issues I've always been concerned with is my "real life" religion versus my daydreams. I'm a Christian and have been taught that God wants to be the center & comfort of my life, and that the content of relationships in my "worlds" is *not* okay with Him. (Most of the couples are same-sex.) So it's always been tinged with guilt for me, and I have regarded it as sin. I'm going through a new passage in my life, and I'm wondering if my religion *and* my MDD can actually co-exist.
I see that other people have struggled with this issue - it's nice to know I'm not alone.
I am an Atheist, raised with both Christian and Pagan influences. It's maybe because I've been exhausted over the topic of religion, but in my daydreams there is no mention of it, and all of my characters are Atheists.
I am a Christian (protestant and reformed if you're interested, but I usually just call myself a Christian).
Daydreaming has been a major part of my experience as a Christian. When I was a kid, was constantly beating myself up because I thought that I couldn't be a good Christian because I was constantly daydreaming. That changed when I finally understood what it really means to be a Christian. In the past few years, I have come to accept MD as something that I struggle with and will probably always struggle with. I know it doesn't affect my worth or my merit before God because all my merit and worth comes from Christ. However, I still see that it keeps me from living to my full potential, both in my spiritual life and in my regular life. I don't think I could ever stop daydreaming completely, at least not long-term, so I try to moderate it, which often doesn't work. So, I keep trying and keep reminding myself that God has already love me and accepted me in spite of it. I look forward to heaven, where I will be able to focus on God forever without daydreaming.
Most of my daydreams are based on some popular fiction books, and the characters that I take from the books are not religious. So, most of the time they stay non-religious in my daydreams. However, I have a some story lines where some of the characters become Christians. Interestingly, I realized a few months ago that worship music often serves as a trigger for these religious-themed daydreams, which is frustrating because I listen to worship music so that I can worship not daydream!
I'm not entirely certain of my religion. My mother was very careful to not raise my sister and I with any religion (she didn't want to force beliefs onto us). I'm very intrigued by paganism and buddhism, but I am not sure I consider myself either of them.
I am also Christian, but have not yet found a denomination - there may not be one that suits me. My DD persona is a devout Catholic - I was going through an Irish Catholic long phase years ago and some how the catholic stuck even when she was no longer Irish. If that makes any sense. My persona changes appearances, ethnicities, names, talents, etc. on a regular basis.
But I find religion a great source of strength & can not imagine living without it. I study the mystic saints & feel quite close to them - both in real life & in DD's. I believe we were basically made this way, and despite some disadvantages, I count my DD'ing as a great gift.
I believe that God understands us so well and knows our hearts. Sometimes the DD'ing makes me lazy and keeps me from doing things I feel are important - service to others & animals - and I regret this, but I try to do the best I can, and God knows this.
I am a Messianic, we meet on Saturday and our services are very simular to Jewish ones and we follow the biblical calendar-Passover not easter, Channukah not christmas etc. but we believe in Yeshua(Jesus) as the Messiah.(born in September) ;)
My dds seldom have any spiritual aspects, they are very heavy into the forming of relationships, meeting, falling in love, making real friends, etc.
I have found that my dds adversly effects my faith in that they distract me from seeking peace from God instead of retreating into my DD. And cause me to be more unhappy with my real relationships. My faith requires me to be compassionate and care for others. But my MD causes me to be very detached and numb in many ways. I do pray for release from the prison my mind has created for me.
I am a Christian, and while some DDs have spiritual or faith based aspects, not all do. I understand about the comfort thing and running to DDs, but I think God understands what our minds are going through and prayer and feeling spiritually in tune with myself and everything does seem to help me when I hit lows. My daydreams are mostly fantasy but also include regular realistic aspirations and day to day scenarios, pretty much a wide variety.
I feel somewhat blessed to have such an active imagination and feel that I might be able to use this in a way I never could fore see. Other times I feel it is just an addiction and curse but pray for understanding and perseverance to be able to achieve a balance where it won't hinder me. I feel the same way about admitting faith like you do sometimes. Afraid of judgement, ridicule, etc.
I hope everything continues to go well for you! :)
I'm a Chirstian too and amazingly my DD's don't involve my beliefs at all. I guess it's because I do things in my DD that I wouldn't do in real life - and some of those things are against what I believe. /:
Sounds crazy when I write it down. But I suppose my DD's are a safe place for me to explore things I wouldn't dare to otherwise.
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