I'm guessing the answer to this one is yes, but... ;)

Do you guys ever daydream about going back in time (intentionally or unintentionally) and reliving things differently? Making different choices? Giving certain people what-for?

I look back at highschool and say to myself, if I had known then what I know now, I could have really made some waves. And then that turns into a delightful romp of a daydream where I breeze through my classes, dress better, and use stronger language, lol. 

Mind you, things DID turn out for the better eventually, but there was a couple of years there that looking back I wouldn't mind redoing with a little bit more dignity.

I suppose that's true with a lot of things. :)

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Comment by roxanne on November 5, 2011 at 6:37pm

I love to time-travel, but not so much in my own life.  My favorite (but far from only) is with a Native American - Dakota Sioux - and his tribe back when whites were just beginning to encroach.  Sometimes I know what I know now & sometimes not.

Laila, one of my old scenarios is someone with the underground railroad, probably Quaker, helping runaway slaves escape.  Maybe we know each other in our DD's.  How cool is that!  

Comment by Placidia on November 4, 2011 at 4:47pm
Just a random person dropping by the say, Yes, absolutely.  I don't daydream about it so much anymore, after I realized how many difficulties would arise with it.  But when I was in high school, I used to  think about it constantly.  I once even became so convinced that it would really happen that I had a bag of my most treasured things packed so that I could take them back in time with me.
Comment by Teagan Heart on November 4, 2011 at 11:48am
Yes, girl, it was just today. Actually, the first dream I had was about me being more confident and carefree in highschool. I stressed so much. Then, I daydream about this guy (that I totally invented who never step foot onto our campus!) dating me and me actually having the highschool sweetheart that I had always dreamed about. Most kids get upset about their parents puting them on punishment and grounding them and telling them to stay away from boys. I wished myself to be one of those girls whose parents had to keep an eye on.
Comment by Mira on November 2, 2011 at 4:41am
BttF is my favorite trilogy of movies. :)
Comment by Laila on November 2, 2011 at 1:55am

Yes! =P But then my daydream turns into something like Back to The Future III. I like to daydream how people would react to me in the 1800s, like my clothes, ipod, techno music, the way I talk, etc. Usually the way it goes is that I get special treatment from a slave owner or the king. Somehow, I end up making a big difference in history. Lincoln is saved. =D I also explore the same scenario through one of my main daydream characters, who is a white abolitionist, befriends Harriet Tubman, and takes care of two former slave children.

I also daydream about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in the year 1993 in my 5-year old body. I try to convince my parents that I'm 23-years old inside, and I easily pass a test to graduate from High School. Sometimes it goes further back...like I'm a baby genius.

Yeah, my head is really in the clouds... o_O

Comment by BilboBaggins on November 1, 2011 at 10:26pm
Well there's certainly things that I look back on and go "oh lordy if I could only change THAT" , or regreted saying something and wishing it could change-but for the most part I've oddly actually never thought deeply about what I would go back to change if I could and what might happen....

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