Recently my MD has been letting up. I'm able to actually go through out my school and focus on my work instead of  when i could get home to start MDing. Everything has gotten better, including my relationships with friends and family etc. Then when i think everything is starting to balance out it comes back harder that ever!

   My MD has this weird cycle thing going on, like it goes away and comes back with a bang. And i'm trying sososososos hard to end this. And now its like 5-6 hours a day of day dreaming when it used to be like 30 min. But the weirdest thing is, I've noticed that now when i try to stop MDing i get sick? headaches, tiredness, nausea along with anxiety etc. And when i restarted it all went away?    

     My mom even noticed something was wrong? I don't think this all could be in my head or anything, or that I'm over exaggerating. Does anyone else have this happen to them? or is it only me...?

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Comment by Amy Buttz on January 22, 2012 at 3:35pm

Hi, Ellie, my MD doesn't really stop, but sometimes it comes to a slow idle, then comes back like a run away train.  I am 44 years old and have tried many things to try to stop daydreaming and haven't been successful so far.  One of the reasons I joined this site was to learn how to live with it.  When I have tried to stop, I get irritated, twitchy, depressed and usually feel overwhelmed.  Since not much is known about this, I don't know if it can actually be stopped or not.  Changing my thinking to living with instead of stopping has helped me feel a lot better.  One main area that is a lot better is daydreaming without guilt.  I spent a lot of time feeling guilty and stupid because I told myself that a grown woman should be able to control fictional storylines running around in her head.  Changing my thinking to living with, rather than stopping has been challenging, but lessened a lot of negative feelings I had.  Before trying to live with this, I felt guilty, stupid, juvenile, anxious, all around low view of myself.  Living with it has definetly helped in all these areas.  I hope this helps you.       

Comment by phoenix62 on January 20, 2012 at 3:00am
Yeah, it's happened to me...usually when I am spending a lot of time (by a lot of time, I mean hours on end) in my head. Probably not a good thing (for me, anyhow).

For what it's worth, when I was a teen, I had a pretty serious problem with daydreaming, and the group home I lived in....I was not permitted to be force me from escaping in my head. I was a mess then. See, in my case it was a abnormal coping mechanism.
Comment by greyartist on January 18, 2012 at 6:12am

When I have tried hard to stop I got very anxieous and irratable.

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