I don't really understand exactly how the Yahoo! Groups work, but I get emails from the MD one I joined, and one person had this really good little idea I think I'll try.

This is what they said: 

"Not sure if anyone else does this but to help me get my school work done i make up plots that involve that work. When i was younger i hated cleaning my room so i would pretend i was a maid in this foreign castle or i would pretend i just bought this run down shop and needed to clean it up. For me this makes things easier, I have a hard time stopping so instead getting rid of something the actually makes me happier i just incorporated it into my daily life. I am a real believer that Maladaptive Daydreaming isn't something i should be ashamed nor something that makes me mentally ill. It makes me different and unique and happy, a pure stress reliever."

o, although it's not really what I'd normally do, I tihnk I'll try it soon, and next year when I'm back at school, hopefully it'd help me get my work done (pretend to be a biologist explaining something to someone for biology, or a mother or mum-to-be for early childhood studies etc.) Sounds to me like it could help.

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Comment by Jennifer on December 20, 2011 at 7:07pm

Wow...Thanks. This could be helpful, thank you for sharing. ^^

Comment by roxanne on December 16, 2011 at 5:54pm

This is exactly what I have done all my life.  It is sometimes the ONLY way I will get things done; often it makes even mundane tasks enjoyable.  I let all my "friends" help me through the day, whenever needed.  What's not to like about that?

Comment by Tila on December 15, 2011 at 5:45pm

I used to do this same thing as a little kid......this is making me think, why did I stop? 

It's so strange to try to explain these mind tricks that we play with ourselves so naturally....but very cool!!!

A funny thing I do that is related to this is that I imagine myself as visually represented by other people...people that I've seen in a movie, or say, someone from my class. This helps me feel more confident, I think because it takes some of the pressure off being so self-critical (how can I be when I don't even look like me anymore?) It's not that I'm excessively homely or something, lol- it's just that I am so self-critical of every aspect of myself that I find it hard to even tackle my own reflection head-on. 

I've noticed an interesting thing: the people that get the staring role of playing me in my mind can be any gender or race, can be fictional, real, famous, or unknown.What distinguishes all of them is their confident, charistmatic prescence whenever I see them.

 This teaches me a lot about the attractiveness of confidence!

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