21 one days, i have gone now without daydreaming. they say that 21 is the magic number, 3 weeks is what it takes to break a habit. i saw this day as a glorious golden day when all my problems would just disappear. silly i know. maladaptive daydreaming is not a habit, its an addiction. I still have a long journey ahead of me if i really want to stop. I'm getting used to it though and i have hope for the future. I've tried to stop before but never made it this far. i feel stronger that ever before, more determined, more focused, more committed. when i want to daydream i tell myself i can't. i remind myself of all the days and nights i wasted, the rivers of tears i shed during my daydreams, and in my frustration of not being able to stop or control them. the thing is idk how i stopped. i give all the credit to God, i prayed for countless hours asking I'm to help me, and he has. now i just try to surround myself with people as much as possible and other activities, but of course theres still down time when I'm alone, and i just recite my poem and ask him for strength. I'm hoping to continue for many more weeks and months and years, and that little by little i can learn to daydream like a normal person without getting sucked back in. its scary to continue but i have hope that i will succeed.
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