
My name is Rachel. I joined WMN in December 2012 when I was barely 14 years old. Now, I'm 25.

This site may seem like a ghost town now, but this site was FULL OF LIFE between the years 2012 (and before) to 2018. The blog posts, the forums, and the chat were full of people eager to help and get to know each other. The chat, specifically, was always active. People were always talking, and I myself made many long-term friends from the chat on this site, some whom I'm even still friends with today, more than 10 years later.

I'd love to see the chat come back to life!! If you're more of a lurker on this site, don't shy away from the chat! It can be what it once was: a place where people can get to know each other and befriend each other. I'm going to start coming on this site more often to get on chat and see if I can start any conversations. I want to bring more life into this place that created so many special core memories for me. <3 My life would NOT BE THE SAME now if it wasn't for the Wild Minds chat. The friends I made here are absolutely priceless.

See you in chat!

Views: 243


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Comment by John Alves on June 25, 2024 at 3:34pm
Olá Rachel, como tem estado a sua vida, melhorou do MD? Sou novo aqui, não sabia que esse site tinha tanta história, e nem achei que era tão antigo, perdoe-me, sou do Brasil, e não falo inglês, mas gostaria de poder fazer amigos também.
Comment by Source on March 20, 2024 at 12:48pm

Oh no. Oh God. It's actually happening! I must be drunk, this isn't real. Oh, this is giving me flashbacks.

I'm glad to see another old face returning. No, I'm not feeling old myself right now, absolutely not.

Comment by Valeria Franco on March 11, 2024 at 3:14am

Dear Rachel, thank you for your positive energy!

Wildminds changed my life too. Everything I did afterward was because I read hundreds of stories here, when I was looking for an answer.

It's not as lively as it used to be because of the social media explosion.

I think we don't value enough how it is to have a space like this... with no commercials or promotional campaigns.

Here nobody is collecting data to sell you something! Isn't it revolutionary?

Comment by Rachel on March 4, 2024 at 6:05pm

Nice catching up with you in chat tonight, @Alison!

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