McNamara's Blog (5)

MDD Bootcamp - Week 1 results

Earlier this week, I decided to try and control my MDD.  While it hasn't been easy, I feel tentatively ok about my first week.  Here are some of the main learning points for me:

  • Going completely cold-turkey, realistically, was never going to happen.
  • Leaving my iPod in my work drawer (30 miles from…

Added by McNamara on September 3, 2011 at 9:18am — 3 Comments

What comes first, the chicken or the MDD?

Hmm.  I've been managing my MDD pretty well (although not perfectly) this week.  I've started learning a new language, I've come out as an MDDer to my husband, and I'm trying to withdraw from my iPod (probably harder than admitting the MDD to my husband).  BUT.....I'm anxious as hell. 


I'm really tired, I'm irritated, I can't sleep properly, I'm comfort eating, I haven't worked out.  I always assumed the MDD served as something I did to protect and isolate myself when I felt…


Added by McNamara on August 31, 2011 at 11:17am — 1 Comment

Coming out

This week I am trying to stay away from my iPod as this is the main trigger for my MDD.  So far, it's been difficult.  I have used it for around an hour each evening but have really reduced my MDD time. 


I feel sick when I don't MDD and I feel a little lost, and flat.  Thinking about my own life compared to the world I rule in MDD land is shocking because it is so dull.  When I look at myself and my life, I feel angry that I don't live up to some of my own expectations, and…


Added by McNamara on August 30, 2011 at 12:08pm — 1 Comment

iPod embargo!

My iPod is the handiest tool for my MDD.  I use it for various things including:


  • Researching characters I may be using, especially male love interests
  • Look for clothes my character may be wearing to events
  • Geography, my character is a world wide traveller!
  • Music - I always have a soundtrack
  • Videos - I use YouTube or other media for inspiration


Perhaps it's time to lend it to someone or lock it in my drawer at…


Added by McNamara on August 28, 2011 at 10:07am — 1 Comment

How to stop Maladaptive Day Dreaming....

Like most people on the forum, I've only realised there was a name for what I did whilst researching the subject online.  I've had MDD since I was a tiny child, in fact I can't remember ever not doing this.  I also have Social Anxiety and Avoidant Personality Disorder.  I've had the last two disorders confirmed by mental health professionals, but I've never mentioned the DD to anyone, even my psychologist - I honestly just felt it was too embarrassing and 'crazy'. 


Although I…


Added by McNamara on August 28, 2011 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

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