Hmm. I've been managing my MDD pretty well (although not perfectly) this week. I've started learning a new language, I've come out as an MDDer to my husband, and I'm trying to withdraw from my iPod (probably harder than admitting the MDD to my husband). BUT.....I'm anxious as hell.
I'm really tired, I'm irritated, I can't sleep properly, I'm comfort eating, I haven't worked out. I always assumed the MDD served as something I did to protect and isolate myself when I felt a little bit chicken about things that were happening to me. But perhaps I'm a little chicken about stopping the MDD! I'm an anxious person anyway, and I guess focusing on the MDD will make me worry about it even more than usual.
So I've decided to cut myself a little slack. Tonight - no work, no housework, no expectations.
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