Forum Discussions (1,914)

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OCD & Trauma, do they effect your alter-ego?

Dimmer and I were having a conversation about the root of MD. We came across a question I need your input on to find the answer to. If the…

Started by Fallen Messenger in General topics

7 May 26, 2017
Reply by MatthewR

PTSD and PPD tie in to MD

Hello I've not been on in a while since I was so busy with my son and going to therapy that I haven't been daydreaming...but I also found o…

Started by Kathy C in General topics

1 May 26, 2017
Reply by Eretaia

Myers-Briggs Types

I was just wondering about what Myers-Briggs types you all were, so could you please tell me: What type you are (you can take the quiz her…

Started by Emily in General topics

32 May 25, 2017
Reply by OhMyMagenta

What fictional genre would you classify your daydreams as?

In fiction, we have many different genres, such as action, fantasy, science fiction, romance, horror. Etc. When you daydream, which genre(…

Started by Vesta Harford in General topics

1 May 23, 2017
Reply by OhMyMagenta

On my way to cure my MD

Yep, it is happening, but God knows it's  not easy. A couple of months ago, life slap me right in the face, and it was terrible. I felt so…

Started by Mali in General topics

1 May 20, 2017
Reply by Mali

When reality sideswipes your DD

I feel like a complete idiot right now. My DD have been revolving around a celebrity for a while now, and I just recently found out that ce…

Started by MissAnthrope in General topics

7 May 18, 2017
Reply by OhMyMagenta

ADHD and Bipolar alongside maladaptive

Hey guys...  I've been struggling with a few things lately that are commonly associated with ADHD and Bipolar II. I went to one doctor yea…

Started by Astride N in General topics

0 May 11, 2017

what methods have you tried to apply to get yourself to stop dreaming

I've read in this forum of people trying to stay away from things that trigger them to go into a fantasy world like music, some stopped eat…

Started by drifter in General topics

42 May 9, 2017
Reply by bitch

Introduction AKA Hello world! Nice to meet ya!

***That moment when you sign up on this site years ago and haven't actually said a thing until now. ugh I had one job how hard is it to tal…

Started by Spotted Shadow in General topics

4 May 7, 2017
Reply by Spotted Shadow

Does Therapy Help?

I've been thinking about starting therapy but I'm not sure if there are any reliable therapist out there who understand what MDD is. Does a…

Started by Karen in General topics

2 May 6, 2017
Reply by Kim Katz


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