Hello Everyone,

Iam an Kinetic MDer i.e I have a specific hand movement (usually occampanied by pacing back and forth ) 

Why do I move back and forth and have to use my hand to day dream ? 

I mean I can understand the excessive fantasizing ,theories that say that it's a defence mechanism to deal with childhood trauma or that it is an addiction .

But just what I don"t understand is that why do I have to make these movements .Are there any theories put forward to explain "this" mechanism .

Kindly enlighten me ,thankyou . 

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I don't know why but I do the pacing about sometimes too. I remember for years I would turn on some music  (radio or whatever) and pace back and forth while in my dream world. This would be a thing I would do nightly after I would get off work. I would turn all the lights off and go into my own world.

I just found this website yesterday and I don't have answers but you are not alone...I do this as well. I actually talk out loud quietly. As if it's not enough to have the dialogue in my head, I have a strong need to verbalize as well. I do the hand movements and the pacing as well...

I just found this group and I am overwhelmed at the similarities so many of us seem to share.  When I was younger I needed music and I had to pace.  Now that I'm older I don't use music, but I still nearly always pace.  The only time I MD without pacing is if I do it while driving or if I am someplace where it would be too obvious.  I often find myself speaking out loud and making hand motions as well.

I almost always have to speak out loud it's almost as if the daydream cannot be fully realized if I don't speak it out loud..and though I do pace it's not constant...of course I can't pace in the car while I am driving but I have been embarrased because I got strange looks from other drivers when I wasn't aware of them and I got 'caught' talking to myself and I am sure I appeared quite animated while I was doing it

I use to take long walks while I Daydreamed talking to my self  as I went gesturing with my hands & expressing emotions with my face . I only paced inside in bad weather or my yard if it was too dark to go far !

I touch the cuticles of each of my fingers, I pull them out, and even draw blood sometimes. I catch myself doing it and feel people will think I have some kind of a psychiatric disorder or something, I stop myself then whenever I day dream I just do it again>

All the time as a kid I used to do a weird thing with my hands. I would put my head down and rub my hands together in front of my face. This was something my parents used to point out all the time but they always thought it was cute and a lot of people used to laugh at me. Not in a harsh way but, again, because they thought it was cute. My older sisters friends used to imitate me doing it and all through primary school even the people who didn't know me knew me as that kid with the hand thing. 
I still do it now as an adult but I'm more aware of it. I just find it helps me to think more clearly. I don't know why but it seems to help me focus. Nowadays if I feel the need to do it I'll start fiddling with a pen which seems to have the same effect or sometimes I'll just hold an object like a book. 
I don't know why this occurs but all I know is it helps me greatly to daydream more vividly.

OMG...I do the pacing thing, too.   It seems like it's always been an accompanyment - an integral part of - the daydreaming.  I can't believe this website - for the first time in the 45 years since my "issues" started,  I'm finding out there are other people who have them, too and who react the same way to them. Unreal... 

I'd call those attributes "stims". For me....I grind my teeth lightly back and forth. It infuriates my dentist since I have so much wear.  

I verbalize as well as pace.  I can't really say why, but it's definitely something that makes the fantasy more... real for me.

 Maralyn Rogerson said:

I just found this website yesterday and I don't have answers but you are not alone...I do this as well. I actually talk out loud quietly. As if it's not enough to have the dialogue in my head, I have a strong need to verbalize as well. I do the hand movements and the pacing as well...

I also verbalize and pace. I learned how to stay still, but the DD won't last very long (I said this in another comment, sorry to anyone reading it for the second time) Mostly there has to be movement. I can daydream really vividly when I'm on the swings, or in a car/bus/train but it's most real when I'm in my room and get to verbalize
Sorry I don't have any theories by the way. I would really like to know myself.


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