Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Does anyone else role play as their characters instead of being themselves in their daydreams? I do.
My character is me, but an idealised version of me.
Sometimes I will daydream from some of my other character's point of views, but mostly it is from the main character, who is me.
I don't daydream as myself either. I'm more like some sort of narrator in my dreams. I'm not there, there are only non-existant characters, worlds and stories, and I see them. It's like I'm a flying camera that is no part of the dream.
I have always daydreamed as an alter ego, it's nice to know im not alone!
Me too. I daydream about different characters, having nothing to do with me. They have their own lives and their own talents and passions and partners. I also see the whole thing happening in third person point of view.
[Although, coming to think of it, the protagonist of my world might be an idealized version of me subliminally.]
Snapplez said:
Me too. I daydream about different characters, having nothing to do with me. They have their own lives and their own talents and passions and partners. I also see the whole thing happening in third person point of view.
[Although, coming to think of it, the protagonist of my world might be an idealized version of me subliminally.]
That is exactly how I am! I actually have 3 main characters who all have small traits and things that add up to be an idealized version of me.
Yup, also me. I'm not present in my dream at all. I see it all happening and know what everyone is thinking. They have nothing at all to do with me and there is nothing about their lives that is similar to mine.
My main character used to be an idealized version of me, then he got older and died all of a sudden because of hyper-accelerated aging, so now I daydream of myself as my own ghost, waiting for anyone I hold dear to come pay me a visit.
Quite sad, you know, the old-embittered-hermit-ghost-on-top-of-a-mountain kind of thing
It isn't exclusively Alex who I daydream as, but it is definitely not Alex. I describe it as Rith being a branch off the trunk that is Alex, just that she's the most prominent of the branches. I add an extension to Alex to fix everything I don't like, amplify everything I do like, and sometimes have special abilities.
I read that back and I sound psychotic, but it's just that I reference things about my world differently because I find it offensive when my therapist uses other terms. Umm, how to explain... Alexandra is the name on my birth certificate, people in the common world call me Alex. Nope, still can't phrase it without it sounding delusional.
Snapplez said:
Me too. I daydream about different characters, having nothing to do with me. They have their own lives and their own talents and passions and partners. I also see the whole thing happening in third person point of view.
[Although, coming to think of it, the protagonist of my world might be an idealized version of me subliminally.]
I do this as well. I’m either third person pov or taking the pov of one of the characters. I’m almost never directly in my daydreams.
I’m not sure I’d consider any of them idealized versions of myself. They’re idealized versions of *something*, but I wouldn’t say it’s of myself.
When I was younger- maybe late teens- it was an idealized version of myself. But I haven't really been in the daydreams for a long time.
I have like alter egos, and i even include people i know in my daydreams but they have like completely different characteristics most the time. Everything is a movie to me.
My main character used to be a idealized version of myself, but a couple years ago she became her own person and doesn't resemble me at all. Eventually I gave her her own name (she either had a name which I didn't know, or she had my name). I spend most of my time with one character, though I will go to others. If I want to be with my characters, I have to envision myself entering their world or their coming to my world, and then I am myself.
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