I stopped being active with maladaptive daydreaming years back. I have crucial responsibilities, try to stay away and concentrate, but notice that I suddenly wonder off and my eyes go dazed for a minute or so. This happens when I'm chill and during an stress-free time. Family and friends have made remarks that I look like my mind is somewhere else. I'm not sure though, it's more like I zone out. I'm trying to seek employment, but so afraid that when I start a new gig, someone will notice my eyes! Maybe even my frozen state. Unless the job is remote. 

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same fear same problem but that doesn't happen when i am focused on something and it's not zoning out it's just a small MD or i am thinking about something also that's happens for me when i  am eating for example i would always try to think about something

I do think about something irrelevant to my my real surrounding environment—but I pause and my eyes stare at some object—and someone notices. Whereas you think or MD, but you describe it as if that's undetectable, like your body and facial gestures look normal and natural. So, who would know? Unless they said something, and you didn't catch it. But I look like I'm frozen in time, is what I mean. 

oh i have that ... and it's obvious but for me i do that when i don't like my surrounding and want to go somewhere else with my mind or just chilling but in social environment that i am engaged with that don't happen

Yeah, even after I went through a stressful situation that eventually got resolved, and just want to wind down, I just turn off and my eyes go still, and I'm in another zone. 

My concern is that it's occurring more often, and I have to flinch or smack myself to stop it.

sorry i missed the notification mail

it appears that i didn't follow this post so i didn't get mail notification i activated it so hopefully i will be notified by your reply promptly

i don't have to flinch or smack myself however do you aware of what happening while you zone out do you know what are you thinking about or not ?

Yes, I'm aware of what's happening in my surrounding environment, and what I'm thinking about. It's just, I tend to go deep in thought, and stop whatever I'm doing. 

yes . it's the same as me ... and to be honest i think the idea is MDers in General doesn't like to engage with there surrounding that's why we do what we do in the first place i think the right step is to try to be engaged more however although i am saying that i myself find that most conversation not interesting for me hence the MD in the first place most the jokes i don't understand .. the gossips i hate it .. the men talk ... for me i would prefer a deep subject or philosophical subject maybe some experiment something new to learn ... so that's why i find most of the conversation boring to me and they always  repeat the same things they said before it's like i a searching for adventure searching for something interesting and when i have to talk to be people it's like i have to wear this mask i will smile on every thing i don't understand pretending that i got the joke i will try to act that i am like them of course i don't know the right answer if that right or wrong but i think practicing won't hurt

I happen to find myself in a very intellectual and educated crowd of people lately, mostly my family. They discuss politics, economics, history, finance, society, culture etc. I do find their conversations interesting, but when I eat, I prefer to think my own thoughts, and I loose track of what they're saying. It's not that I live in another world—I'm just happen to be more interested in my own train of thoughts. In other words, I tend to be self-absorbed. 

Regards, when I do freeze, I don't do it around them, I'm usually sitting all by myself doing my own things. So nobody can see that I'm frozen, and evidently gone. I had people catch me in the act, and could tell right away that I'm daydreaming. It's embarrassing, but I've had peers, family, friends, co-workers, managers (even customers!) tell that I'm not really here. After I stopped MD, I stopped hearing any comments, because my eyes now look normalized and I'm always going. Maybe when I'm not listening, then they think "Why didn't you you hear that? Are you deaf? It's like it went out the other ear." 

But looking frozen is just the worst, because it makes it appear most evident to others that I am not in this world. So they start waving their hand in my face. Oh brother. To make matters worse, I do tend to talk out loud to myself, and actually made others think I'm some weirdo. When really I'm just thinking out loud, sorting my intellectually thoughts, and clearing my system, so my head isn't so preoccupied. But I could also write on paper to do this, which is safer. 

i have the eating things  i always MD while eating and when i am with myself too and been caught many times too .. to a point that my brother always say are you done talking with you ghosts because for the MD is not always silent i would talk with myself and could be heard and it's very embarrassing

in regard the family they the opposite of yours just opening any of this subject is a crime to my family that's why i am always hidden in my room most of the time

Why are opening these topics a crime in your household?

And Yes, I've had people say, "Do you have imaginary friends?" and my mom says, "Talking to your voices?"

i don't know they don't like opening any deep topic there way of thinking is very superficial for my taste  or may be i am a bit more technical than usual you know i am a little bit nerdy .. may be the problem is with me not with them it's just there way of thinking isn't compatible with how deep i would love to go on one subject


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