Anybody else here daydream while listening to music? I think I have a different daydream for each of my favorite songs (and I have many), sometimes multiple.

Part of it is that I would love to competently play an instrument (like the uke), but I don't have the attention span or the time (or the coordination) to pull it off. Consequently, many folk songs feature me, in my head, lol.

Also, some songs remind me quite intensely of certain people. Or sometimes I daydream that I'm meeting that particular artist, in person.

And don't even get me started on Broadway showtunes...they're a dangerous distraction.

Anybody else here do that? I guess it's because I daydream the most when I'm on the bus, or walking around- and in either case, I generally have my ipod fired up.

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haha when i first start with a dream, i tend to find a song that fits and listen to it over and over with the scene. Then, whenever i hear that song im reminded of that dream, and tend to flip back to it. 

I listen to all kinds of music for dding, except for rap (because it doesnt have enough of a rhythm to time to a dream) and blues/country (because they tend to be too slow and uninspiring).

Ill listen to a lot of soundtrack music too, from shows or movies ive been inspired from. 

i listen to the words in music and let them paint me a picture in my mind. its because of how vivid my minds eye can be that im very inciteful when it comes to hard to understand lyrics.

Palejade, I actually LOVE blues, and , less so, but also country, as they tweak strings in my brain that absolutely evoke wonderful DD's.  Isn't it great that we are so similar, but with such different fine tuning.  I love it.  I think we are pretty much the most interesting people I know.


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