Hello, I'm from Brazil and I know how bad it is to feel like your life is running away while you daydream. I used to think I was the only one about weirdest stuff but the internet won't let me feel alone about it anymore. Now that I found my PROBLEM I've been working on the REASONS why I dd and I'm trying to turn it into my favor. So far, I meditated for a long time and concluded that a BORING childhood where my Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) took place and nearly drove me crazy. There wasn't much to do around and people liked to pick on me very harshly, so I had to create worlds to live in while I reached for the tools to take over the control of my life. Back then, I had no information coming and I'm a knowledge freak: I just have to know everything about the subjects I love. Now the internet is up for good and EVERY SINGLE TOPIC THAT I ENJOY came along. It is just wild to try to reach all this information at the same time, brings a lot of anxiety.


My life changed A LOT since then and now I feel like I'm a man now (24yo), therefore I am capable of doing the stuff I want to make instead of just dreaming about it. I just rather keep it quite possible, "pés no chão" like we say in Brazil. I just have to work on my attention span, but I have a good plan for it too, I'll keep you updated.


I am an INTJ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator), so I enjoy making plans all the time. So instead of daydreaming about unusual stuff, I just create a scenario in my head using real elements: This way I am giving steps ahead of what is coming to me in the real world, like for example when I imagine myself in a jiu jitsu match - I imagine how I would be able to escape a hold and picture myself doing it, and what am I doing wrong. Then when I am actually TRAINING I use what I thought about... And it works! It is like training inside my head where I have my own tatame and limitless stamina!


The human mind is the most powerful weapon ever created, because it has a little bit of God on it. The more your mind is capable, the more it is powerful - Which brings us to this point: We can imagine entire worlds but we can't change our lives? Of course we can! Changing the world is about bringing our ideas that live in the infinitely powerful universe of metaphysics (the world beyond physics where ideas are located) and PLACE IT HERE. Do you know how powerful this can be if we take what we are imagining and mix it with a bit of effort here on Earth? It is a matter of knowing yourself and then controlling yourself.


Set up objectives in the real life and daydreaming about it WHILE pursuing it! Life is right there for us to grab. There is absolutely nothing wrong with visions of a possible world, even impossible. It is fun, it is comfortable, it means we have LOADS of creativity. Books and films are all about diving into someone elses daydreaming. The only problem is when you let it take over your life 24/7. If you don't do that, don't worry about it. Dreaming is a gift from God for us to know the infinite and then contemplate how great His mind is.





He who knows the enemy and himself
Will never in a hundred battles be at risk;
He who does not know the enemy but knows himself
Will sometimes win and sometimes lose;
He who knows neither the enemy nor himself
Will be at risk in every battle. -
Sun Tzu 


EDIT: Before I forget, the main thing to do in order to reduce DDming to a acceptable level it to KEEP YOURSELF BUSY.

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YEAH! I can definitely relate to this, I'm in the 12th grade and im thinkin about goin into engineering, I have a hyper-active imagination. Like you, ppl used to pick harshly on me too, and i needed to create a different world where i could be at peace. I almost let MD control bu i managed to get it under control. Instead im able to use MD for help in my studies, like creating 3D models of images in my head like engines, levers, computers etc. With it, im managing to draw and create things that could be very useful to my future career.



I think it is very helpful to stay busy - but busy with something that really interests me.  This is where my real life & DD life intertwine; it sounds like yours' do, too.


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