I have wondering if there is any new research on MD out there or if there is any indication that it is starting to become more widely known in the psychology world. Perhaps, Cordellia, you would know. I would LOVE if the psychological community could quickly recognize this as a legit disorder so more treatment plans can be developed. I know a new DSM will be coming out soon and it won't be in there, but maybe (hopefully) one day it will.



Another question, what are people's experience with talking to a therapist?

Has anybody come across a therapist that has heard of this or has been open to discussing it as an independent disorder, not a symptom of a pre-existing disorder?

I have been semi-shopping around for a therapist. Ultimately, I'm looking for a therapist to discuss general depression/anxiety/life issues with but wish that I could find someone that I could eventually talk to about MD.


Thanks for any feedback!

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Hi there!  Cynthia is still working feverishly on it, but this kind of thing takes a long time.  I'm sure the word is spreading slowly.........mostly to us speaking up and refusing to listen to doctors who tell us it's "just depression" and to take meds.  


Since it's not recognized yet and not in the DSM, most doctors will probably not have heard of it.  They'll probably diagnose you with the next closest thing they've heard of like depression..........which you may or may not have as well.  You're probably going to have to tell them about it.  They may or may not want to listen.  Some doctors are sadly really close-minded, so be prepared to walk out if they talk down to you and refuse to listen.  For me, that's a deal-breaker.  Look for someone open-minded and willing to listen.  They definitely do exist, but you have to be strong and ready to stand up for what you need.  Take as much info as you can, so they'll know this is real.  Good luck, and keep us posted.  :)   Let me know if I can help at all.  

Hi Lily!


I'm also waiting to find out more information. I know that Dr. Cynthia Shupak did the initial study on the disorder and I was considering emailing her ( cschupak@aol.com) to ask if there was any more information or if they were looking for more volunteers.

I've been seeing my current therapist for a year and a half. She's wonderful and very open and friendly, so I was thinking of mentioning this to her. We've already discussed it, before I knew what it was, and I couldn't really explain it well. I tend to daydream most about movies, music or my own writing, so she said I was probably just very emotionally connected. She likened what I do to method acting, where actors get very into their characters and begin to live like them in preparation for a role. She told me to try doing certain things to snap out of it, but they didn't really work. I started researching ways to "get out of character" and eventually my search led me to this site. I mean to mention this disorder to her, but I'm also a little worried because doctors tend to discredit things people read on the internet. I'm also incredibly anxious, and researching my disorders and wondering if I have other ones is a bit of a problem for me, so I'm afraid she's not as likely to take me seriously. But I intend to try, and I'll let you know what happens.

Finding a therapist is a bit like shopping. You have to try a few on before you find the right fit and don't hesitate to tell someone it's just not working with you. They usually want to help you as much as they can, and will probably suggest other therapists they know who would better suit you. That's how I found the one I'm with right now. Therapists are all different and they get bad reps from the media, but most of them are not like that. I've never had anyone try to push medication on me, they just suggest it sometimes. I would recommend you find someone of your gender and close to your age (older, rather than younger), because they're more likely to understand what you're going through.

Good luck with everything!


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