Hi guys im new to this forum and if been DDing for as long as i can remember and i always thought i was the only one like this. anyway my question to you guys is has your DD helped you in real life? the reason i ask this is because i have been working at Kroger for 2 years now and i remember when i first got hired on as a bagger i used to DD about getting promoted to doing something like a cashier. i used to watch what the cashier would do while interacting with customer and the register and then go outside and DD while pulling in some carts from the lot. but then my manager asked me if i wanted to become a backup cashier and of course i said yes and  my manger was in shock that i knew what to do without any help and promoted me to full time cashier and then eventually customer service. now im hoping my DDing well help me  get even higher up the food chain. so how has DDing helped you guys?

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It is great that your DD is helping you progress in real life. Mine seems to be trying to distroy mine.

The positive aspects of my daydreaming...




-Great for rehearsing speeches and scenarios

-Enhances my descriptive writing

-Can't sleep without it!

It has helped me. I feel sometimes that I steal ideas from my characters, because I will create things that I saw them create in my mind.  Feels a little like plagiarism or betrayal at first, but then it just makes me feel like I helped them come alive a little bit. Other than situations just concerning artwork, there have been times that subjects in my DD's had to be researched, and it turned out I later had all of this neat information handy.
Daydreaming has helped me solve my own personal moral and philosophical issues by exploring them in a fictional setting.

It helps me sometimes when I'm rehearsing important (but constructive) conversations. It helps me with my imagery, as a writer. But most importantly, it helps me recognize what I WANT, since most of my daydreams are just me doing things I don't normally do, because I'm so shy.

However, I'm also very high-anxiety, and I tend to use the daydreams as an escape from that. While it does save me the anxiety, it doesn't really help me with the source of my anxiety, and it doesn't really help me relax, per se- it just kind of puts me in a neutral/passive mental space (kind of like watching television). This bothers me, because there are other things I could be doing to relieve my anxiety that would probably be more effective/satisfying but breaking myself out of the DD is hard...

Thing is though, although I've visualized myself doing various things, I've had mixed success in jumping into those things with both feet- some of those things require starting 'at the bottom' and require practice. They're not as easy as they might seem. So I have to be careful about that. And patient. ;)


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