Meghan mentioned figuring out how much time she spent DD'ing, and I would like to figure out for myself.  Also, would be interested in what others found.  But I'm not really sure how to do it.  Even assuming I'm lucid enough to do it, which I think I could manage, how do I separate?  Much, if not most, of my time is spent doing something while DD'ing.  Would you make 3 categories: DD time, real time & a combination?

Cordellia, did Cynthia address this or would she know?  I believe she is primarily a researcher so this would be right up her alley, and I believe she addressed this in her study.  Are you still in touch with her?  How does an individual assess how much actual time is spent in DD'ing?

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Yes, I think it was pretty much what I thought, maybe a little less than I thought.   I'm sure there are days that are less and others where it's pretty much all day.  As I said, a lot of that 7 hours I was not officially calling it DD'ing, it was still right there - I was aware of "their" presence, I had momentary flashes where I was real aware of them, etc.

I'm really anxious to hear about your results.  I'm going to do it a few more times and average it out to get a better read.  I noticed a big chunk of time I wasn't DD'ing was when I was on-line, although of course when I'm here, I'm talking about it.

Actually, today wasn't as daydreamy as usual. On the spur of the moment, I decided to write an anime fanfic at 1am and did that most of the day, among watching anime, blogging, chatting, and other things. So I only daydreamed for about 5 hours. Most of that time was spent lying in bed before and after sleep. I added an additional 30 minutes to include awareness of my characters and brief daydreams. But I gotta say, I was really into my story. Since I deprived myself today, I'm in a big daydreaming mood for tonight. o__o


However, if you think that writing a story counts as daydreaming cuz I'm imagining the events as I write...then that would have been nearly all day. xD

No, I wouldn't count it.  Although it's sort of gray area, just like being on here, or my times when I'm physically(?), psychically(?) aware of their presence, but not actually actively DD'ing.  If I included the gray areas, it would be much more than 12 of 19 hours.

Do it again today or another day and combine 2 for more accurate picture.  That's what I'm doing today. 

I didn't keep close track today, but it wasn't very much at all. I was obsessed with finishing the first chapter of my story, read a book, talked to my mom, ate dinner, and here I am. But urg, there are still no reviews on my fanfiction story. I always feel so silly after posting something I thought was good and then I get no feedback, probably because it's too weird and my writing is awkward. I still wanna write more for it though, even if it's not being read. T_T Back in the day though, my fanfiction stories were popular for some reason. (overreacting...I only posted my story a few hours ago, don't mind me XD)


Oops, I got off track. Sorry. xD So uhhh...I'll try to keep track again tomorrow. So what's your average time spent DDing (if you finished)? :3

I lost track today.  It's hard to do, but I feel the first day I was pretty accurate, so I know I can do it.  Will try again.

I agree, Cordelia.  My daydreaming is either in high gear or idling in the back of my mind.  It is rarely completely off.  Breathing is a good way to describe it.  I am not sure what I would accomplish if I could figured out the time spent daydreaming. 
Cordellia Amethyste Rose said:

I have no idea, but good luck with that.  I go in and out of daydream too frequently throughout the day to ever assess.  It's like asking me how many times I breathed in throughout the day.  It's my natural state.  Going into daydream is too natural for me to even notice let alone count.  I'm skeptical of the idea that anyone can make an accurate assessment of how much they daydream.


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