I have daydreamed my whole life, and it has made me underachieve so much. If I could focus for even a few minutes I could actually accomplish things but I can't even do that. I waste so much time daydreaming. It has made me so miserable, and I hate it. I have daydreamed today for probably around 3-3.5 hrs alone. I am going to keep myself accountable through this forum and post daily about how much I have daydreamed. Ideally I just keep getting better slowly and through time I will decrease my daydream time.

If you have any tips or words of advice that would be great. 

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It does relieve us, but also, it distracts us from life. Putting us down a road we don't want to be. In the end, it's very regrettable and soul crushing. 

What makes me so mad is when I started MD, everything felt like GOLD. I had this Disney feeling inside me, as a kid in junior high. Summers were so adventurous and fun. Life was so cool and full of humour.

Then I got hit hard by adulthood, I suddenly had cares that I didn't know how to handle. I began to get anxious and stressed out. Those rose coloured spectacles came off. Life suddenly got gritty, real and serious. That world I used to live in dissolved. Now I'm struggling to support myself, and it's not easy. 

To top it off, I'm still under an older adult's thumb, even though I'm already an adult. How do you like that?

I agree. I am going through that right now. I am still pretty young and adulthood is hitting pretty hard. All daydreaming does is help me cope with the fact that I just can't take reality for right now. I just have to keep going and refuse to quit no matter what.

I think I got too carried away with the fantasies, but didn't watch where my life was heading and I drifted out of touch with it. I'm sorry I did this, I am way behind in life now. This also impacted a lot of people who met me. I have so much catching on to do. 

Yeah I feel that 100%. It definitely is easy to get lost in the fantasy. 

I sent you a friend request btw. It'd be cool if we could talk not on a public forum :)

Day 13: Just keep moving forward. That is all that matters.

Day 14: Keep building momentum.

MD actually hurt me. It lied to me. It told me what I wanted to hear. Tough part is I believed what it was saying to me. Meanwhile, I wasn't listening to people's valuable advice. I just kept sliding down the slope. I got my answer—I didn't succeed. Now that I learned to stop MD. I'll have to start over, and live a whole new way of life. 

Day 15: Started the day pretty strong. Got to keep going and building momentum.

All the best!!!

I feel that MD really pulled me away from the things I wanted....it was a coping mechanism, and yet it wasn't. I really made my life even worse. And it tore me away from having relationships with anyone—even my own family. I just wouldn't communicate, so people stopped helping me or disappeared from my life. As long as I decide to continue MD, it will just stay like that. And nobody understands what the fuck is going on in my head and why I carry on the way I do. They just get mad and find me fucking weird. I always believed things will improve, and they never do. It's like I'm almost incapable of making my life a better place. And the toll it's going to take on my health. I forgot that we are only human. 

Day 16: Keep freaking going.

Day 17: Progress over perfection.


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