I have daydreamed my whole life, and it has made me underachieve so much. If I could focus for even a few minutes I could actually accomplish things but I can't even do that. I waste so much time daydreaming. It has made me so miserable, and I hate it. I have daydreamed today for probably around 3-3.5 hrs alone. I am going to keep myself accountable through this forum and post daily about how much I have daydreamed. Ideally I just keep getting better slowly and through time I will decrease my daydream time.

If you have any tips or words of advice that would be great. 

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Keep going!!!

Day 10: Got a cat yesterday and she helps a lot. Gives me something to do during my downtime besides daydream.

Day 11: Made progress. It still is a struggle to start my day without daydreaming though.

Day 12: Daydreaming in the morning is the worst. That is by far the hardest to stop.

I don't believe you'll fully pull yourself out of daydreaming. That's needs professional therapy or prescription. 

Why do you say say that?

It seems to be better or worse, but not completely cured. Reading your posts. It will at least take a while. Who can really fully suppress daydreaming? I still can't do this. 

Yeah I agree. It will definitely take a while...but that's apart of it. I just have to make my current life as good or better than my daydreams by pursuing worthy fantasies. It is only hard because daydreaming is just a coping mechanism for current unmet needs.

Daydreaming did help me cope with unmet needs, but it ruined my "real life." So I never met those needs anyway! I could've if I didn't go and do MD. In the end it hurt a lot. I'm very sorry and regret what I did. Too late.

Why is it too late? In my opinion, I think MD causes a lot of guilt and makes me feel like I have wasted so much that I can't ever make it up.

Ok, I take that back. It's not too late. But it did do some damage andI wasted a lot of years. I wish that I stopped, and thought hard about exactly what the hell I think I'm doing. But I was young and frivolous back then, so I didn't care. I actually loved it at the time. 

I feel that. It is very damaging because while daydreaming is the problem it also temporarily relieves us from a lot of problems.


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